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Training Providers

An interactive map of Texas Regions for training providers.

Remote - Online Training Providers

Service Region Trainer Phone
Classen Buck Seminars, Inc. Janice Washington 512-766-0659
Lexipol Michael Antu 469-708-0122
OSS Academy David Salmon 281-288-9190
PM AM Corporation Dir Jim Spivey 214-202-7161
Savant Learning Systems - Virtual Academy (Texas portal) Brett Morgan 800-313-3280
Target Solutions Rafael Perea 817-504-5635
Training Response Network, Inc. Joel Miller 301-758-2178
Provider Name Phone Contact Google Maps/Directions
Harrison County Sheriff'S Office 903-923-4000 Hilton Poindexter Google Maps
Henderson County Sheriff'S Office 903-675-5128 Matthew Jistel Google Maps
Hopkins County Sheriff's Office 903-438-4040 Richard Greer Google Maps
Marshall Police Department 903-934-7856 Leonard Ames Google Maps
Smith County Sheriff'S Office 903-590-2685 Robert Phillips Google Maps
Texarkana Police Department 903-798-3356 Matthew Cashatt Google Maps
Wood County Sheriff'S Office 903-763-2201 Chris Turner Google Maps
Provider Name Phone Contact Google Maps/Directions
East Texas Police Academy 903-808-0573 Justin Willoughby Google Maps
Hunt Co. Sheriff'S Office 903-453-6873 Daniel Looney Google Maps
Longview Police Academy 903-239-5520 Jimmy Purdon Google Maps
Texas A&M University - Commerce Academy 903-886-5889 Louis Lufkin Google Maps
Tyler Junior College Lea 903-510-2167 Rudolph Rendon Google Maps
Tyler Police Department 903-531-1008 Stephen Lockhart Google Maps
Provider Name Phone Contact Google Maps/Directions
Henderson Co. Sheriff's Office Test Site 903-675-5128 Teresa Richardson Google Maps
Hunt County Sheriff'S Office 903-453-6845 Kimberly Fannin Google Maps