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Specific Course Reporting Numbers

All course numbers for the General Courses are listed here, as well as additional courses which may only be reported by an agency/entity with a Training Provider Contract with TCOLE. 

Helpful Hint for this page: You can sort this list by clicking the heading of each column.

Number Title Min Hours Max Hours
5 Addendum Basic Jail Officer 1 100
101 Addendum Basic Peace Officer 1 1000
103 Basic Telecommunications Cert Course Addendum 1 200
200 Advisory Board Meetings 0 8
355 Annual Firearms Qualification 1701.355 0 0
786 Cardiac Emergency Communication 4 8
1009 Basic Investigative Hypnosis 40 100
1013 Basic Telecommunications Certification Course 40 100
1014 Basic Instructor Course 40 100
1015 Drug Recognition Expert Instructor Course 40 100
1016 S.F.S.T. Instructor 50 100
1017 Advanced Instructor Course 40 80
1018 Supplemental Peace Officer 174 240
1030 Special Forces Veterans P.O. Course 327 327
1072 Basic Jail Course for Peace Officers (online versi 32 40
1080 2019 Basic Telecommunicator Course 80 120
1107 Basic Jail Course for Peace Officers 32 40
1120 2018 Basic County Corrections 120 200
1124 TEEX Basic County Corrections - SKILLS 24 24
1196 TEEX Basic County Corrections - ONLINE 96 96
1415 Civil Process for Constables (JCTC only) 0 20
1735 Trauma - Informed Investigations 1 40
1827 Epinephine AutoInjector 1 8
1849 De-escalation Tech (SB 1849) 8 24
1850 Crisis Intervention Training 40hr 40 80
1995 Government Law and Liability 8 16
1996 ACFE CFE Exam Prep Course 28 32
1998 Americans with Disabilities Act 1 40
1999 Personnel Orientation by Dept. Basic Proficiency 0 0
2001 Code of Criminal Procedure 1 100
2003 Constitutional Law 1 100
2005 Penal Code 1 100
2007 Victims Compensation Act 1 100
2008 Family Code 1 100
2010 Auto Theft/Motor Vehicle Inv. 1 100
2011 Advanced Criminal Inv. 1 100
2012 Arson Inv. 1 150
2013 Burglary/Adv. Burglary Inv. 1 100
2015 Child Abuse Prevention/Invest. 1 350
2016 Collection & Pres. of Evidence 1 100
2017 Crime Scene Investigation 1 100
2018 Development/Use of Informants 1 100
2019 Fraud and Bunco Inv. 1 100
2020 Homicide/Assault Inv. 1 100
2022 Hypnosis - All Others 1 100
2023 Major Crimes Inv. 1 100
2024 Narcotics/Dangerous Drug Inv. 1 120
2025 Organized Crime 1 100
2026 Robbery and Theft Inv. 1 100
2027 Sex Crimes/Sexual Harassment 1 100
2028 Surveillance Techniques 1 100
2029 Tech. Interviewing & Interrog. 1 100
2030 Vice and Gambling Inv. 1 100
2031 White Collar Crimes 1 100
2035 Crime Victims/Family Violence 1 100
2037 Crime against Persons 1 100
2038 Crime against Property 1 100
2040 Defensive Tactics 1 100
2042 Mechanics of Arrest & Search 1 100
2045 Patrol Procedures 1 150
2046 Driving 1 100
2047 Officer Survival/Weapon Retent 1 100
2048 Recog/Handle Abnormal People 1 100
2049 Report Writing - general 1 100
2050 S.W.A.T. (other than 3301 or 3310) 1 100
2051 Terrorism/Dign Prot/Spe Threat 1 100
2052 Hostage Negotiations 1 100
2053 Baton (All) 1 100
2054 Radar 1 100
2055 Firearms 1 100
2056 Toxic Chem/Radioactive Mat 1 100
2057 Courtroom Demeanor/Testimony 1 100
2058 Patrol w/Horse or Canine 1 500
2062 Occupant Protection Usage and Enforcement 4 99
2063 Occupant Protection Strategies- NHTSA 4 4
2064 Courtroom Security 1 100
2065 Lidar Radar Training 1 40
2066 Implicit bias and social justice 1 100
2067 S.F.S.T. Practitioner 24 24
2068 Procedural Justice 1 24
2070 Accident Investigations 1 108
2071 Accident Reconstruction 1 100
2072 Traffic Law 1 100
2075 Traffic Direction 1 100
2080 Drug Recognition Expert Pre-School 16 24
2081 Drug Recognition Expert Classroom 56 60
2082 Drug Recognition Expert Certification 80 90
2083 Drug Recognition Expert In-Service Training 8 100
2084 Jail/Correction In-service 1 100
2085 Alcohol&Drug Abuse Awareness for Law Enforcement 1 100
2086 Jail Extraction 1 40
2090 Delinquency Prevention 1 100
2091 Family Code-Juvenile Law 1 100
2093 Juvenile Procedures 1 100
2094 Invest. of Juvenile Offenders 1 100
2095 Use of Force (Non-Intermediate Core Course) 1 100
2096 Arrest, Search & Seizure (Non-Intermediate Core Co 1 100
2097 Crime Scene Response Team 80 80
2098 Alcoholic Beverage Code 1 100
2099 Parks & Wildlife Code 1 100
2101 Crime Prevention I - ICJS 2009 40 120
2102 Crime Prevention II - ICJS 2009 40 120
2103 Crime Prevention Envir Design CPTED - ICJS 2009 24 120
2104 Certified Crime Prevention Specialist ICJS 2 2
2105 Child Abuse Prevention and Investigation (Interm.) 24 60
2106 Crime Scene Investigation (Intermediate) 40 60
2107 Use of Force (Intermediate) 16 60
2108 Arrest, Search, and Seizure (Intermediate) 15 60
2109 Spanish for Law Enforcement (Intermediate) 20 100
2110 Spanish for Law Enforcement Distance (Intermed.) 16 100
2111 Spanish for Law Enforcement - Test Out (Intermedi 0 0
2120 Crisis Communications Telecommunicator Intermed 24 40
2121 Domestic Canine Training for Law Enforcement 1 8
2140 Defensive Tactics Instructor 16 80
2176 S.F.S.T. NHTSA 24hour Practitioner - BPOC 0 0
2177 S.F.S.T. Instructor Update 4 12
2178 S.F.S.T. Practitioner Update 4 12
2180 NHTSA - ARIDE 16 16
2181 NHTSA - DITEP 4 24
2182 NHTSA - Older Drivers 4 8
2183 Drug Recognition Expert Managers Course 2 8
2184 SFST Seated Battery Practioner 4 24
2185 S.F.S.T. Seated Battery Practioner Update 4 8
2186 SFST Seated Battery Instructor Course 24 36
2187 SFST Seated Battery Instructor Update 4 8
2190 Officer's Emotional Survival 1 40
2191 Transgender Training 1 4
2192 Animal Handling Training 1 24
2193 Electronic Firearm Shot Indicator 1 16
2210 Scene Basics: Security, Searches, & Documentation 2 2
2222 Firearms Instructor Certification 40 100
2225 IALEFI Firearms Master Instructor Course 24 24
2226 Court Room Operations 1 24
2227 Vehicle Contraband Training 2 24
2228 IALEFI Firearms Instructor Course 43 43
2229 Maritime Pistol Course 8 8
2230 Maritime Carbine Course 8 8
2401 CSO & PO Firearms (TDCJ) 24 40
2402 Juvenile Probation Officer Firearms 24 40
2528 Basic Force Science 8 40
2529 Red Dot Optics Firearms Training 1 40
2530 Duty to Intervene 1 20
2831 IDD Training for Jailers 4 16
2900 LETN Programs 1 100
2908 LETN FLETC Civil Liberties 1 8
2909 LETN FLETC Civil Rights 1 8
2910 LETN FLETC Crime Scene 1 8
2911 LETN FLETC Dispatch 1 8
2912 LETN FLETC Domestic Violence 1 8
2913 LETN FLETC Legal Case Studies 1 8
2914 LETN FLETC Narcotics Investigations 1 8
2915 LETN FLETC Officer Survival 1 8
2916 LETN FLETC Patrol 1 8
2917 LETN FLETC Protection for Privacy 1 8
2918 LETN FLETC Report Writing 1 8
2919 LETN FLETC Search and Seizure 1 8
2920 LETN FLETC Terrorism 1 8
2921 LETN FLETC Vehicle Pursuits 1 8
3003 Advisory Board Training 1 8
3006 Develop of Policy & Procedures 1 100
3008 Executive Development 1 120
3009 Supervision (other than TCOLE 3701, 3710, 3711, 1 100
3010 Leadership Training 1 100
3012 Management Theory 1 100
3014 Mid-Management 1 100
3015 Organizational Theory 1 100
3016 Personnel Evaluation 1 100
3018 Police Labor Relations 1 100
3022 Records System Management 1 100
3023 Principles of Decision Making 1 100
3026 Utilization of the Media 1 100
3027 Verbal/Nonverbal Communication 1 100
3030 Answering EEO Complaints 1 100
3032 Basic Principles of Supervision 1 100
3033 Managing Marginal Performers 1 100
3037 Liabilities of Supervisor/Manager 1 100
3038 Agency Operations (General) 1 160
3039 Conflict Resolution 1 40
3040 Traffic Control Operations 2 8
3041 Oral Interviews-Hiring Process 2 24
3042 LEA0815 Questioning 6 6
3050 Tax Code - Cig/Tobacco Tax Inv. 2 40
3051 Tax Code - Motor Fuel Tax Inv. 2 40
3052 Tax Code - Sales & Use Tax 2 40
3053 Tax Code - Coin Op Machine Tax Inv 2 40
3054 Tax Code - Motor Vehicle Tax Inv 2 40
3055 Tax Code - Other Tax Inv. 2 40
3056 Tax Code - Inv. General In Service 2 40
3057 Tax Code - Tax Auditing/Analysis for Inv 2 40
3101 Civil Process 1 100
3102 Civil Process Exemption by Constable 0 0
3103 Civil Law 1 100
3104 Tire Deflation Device Training 2 4
3105 Executive Protection Training 8 80
3106 Conference ( General ) 2 75
3107 IACP Conference 2 40
3108 Protective Order Issuance 1 16
3110 Digital Device Forensics (General) 1 40
3131 Basics of Civil Process 20 40
3132 Search Warrants (Writing) 2 40
3150 Law Update 1 120
3151 Health and Safety Code 1 120
3159 Property Seizure and Forfeiture (General) 1 40
3160 Property and Evidence Management 1 40
3184 84th Legislative Session Legal Update 3 8
3185 85th Legislative Session Legal Update 3 8
3186 86th Legislative Session Legal Update 3 8
3187 87th Session State and Federal Law Update 3 8
3188 88th Session State and Federal Law Update 3 8
3196 Law Seminar 1 40
3200 Investigations 1 100
3201 Sexual Assault 1 99
3203 Beginning DNA CD-Rom by NIJ 4 8
3204 Advanced DNA CD-Rom by NIJ 4 8
3205 Stalking 1 99
3206 Professional Standards/Internal Investigations Tra 2 40
3207 Tax Code - Investigations / Law 2 40
3208 Distracted Driving Law Enforcement 1 4
3210 Cyber Crimes Investigator Certification Course 40 40
3211 Family Violence Correspondence 1 4
3215 Youth Crisis Intervention 4 40
3225 Technology Related Crimes Against Children 8 16
3226 Sovereign Citizens 1 24
3232 Special Investigative Topics 8 99
3250 Sex Offender Characteristics 8 40
3255 Asset Forfeiture 2 40
3256 Racial Profiling 4 40
3257 Combined Asset Forfeiture and Racial Profiling 2 40
3258 Racial Profiling Update 1 10
3260 SAFVIC Human Trafficking Instructor Course 24 24
3261 SAFVIC Module 1 8 8
3262 SAFVIC Module 2 8 8
3263 SAFVIC Module 3 8 8
3264 Special Investigator Certification Course 24 40
3265 Special Investigator Train-the-Trainer Course 40 80
3266 SAFVIC for Cybercrimes 8 8
3267 SAFVIC for Telecommunication Professionals 8 8
3268 SAFVIC Human Trafficking 8 24
3269 SAFVIC TCPus Instructor Course 24 24
3270 Human Trafficking 4 8
3271 Advanced Human Trafficking 4 16
3273 SAFVIC-Advanced Instructor Course 1 8
3275 Missing and Exploited Children 8 16
3276 Analyzing Missing Persons Investigations 4 8
3277 Identity Theft 0 40
3280 Criminal Investigation - General 1 300
3281 Cults 1 120
3282 Field Notetaking 1 40
3283 Gangs 1 120
3284 Hate Crimes 1 120
3285 Identification Techniques - General 1 120
3286 Eyewitness Evidence/Identification (Mandate) 8 40
3287 Animal Investigations/Law 1 48
3288 Animal Control Officer Training 2 40
3289 Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs 1 40
3290 Handwriting Analysis 4 40
3291 Sex Offender Registration Training 1 24
3292 Pipeline Safety Training 1 24
3293 Eyewitness Identification Training (Not Mandate) 2 40
3295 Reality Based Training/Shoot House 4 40
3296 New Detective Course 1 40
3300 Patrol/Tactical 1 100
3301 Basic S.W.A.T. Course 60 100
3302 Basic Hostage Negotiation Course 40 100
3303 Law Enforcement Officer Flying Armed - (FAA) 2 8
3304 Hostage and Barricade Suspect Situations 1 40
3305 Active Shooter Response 1 40
3306 Tactical Tracking 8 100
3307 Search and Rescue 8 100
3308 Officer Safety/Survival 1 40
3309 Computer Forensics 16 260
3310 SWAT In-service Training 4 60
3311 ALERRT Level 1 16 50
3312 ALERRT Update 1 24
3315 ALERRT- Level 1 Train the Trainer 37 68
3317 ALERRT First Responder Breaching 4 24
3318 ALERRT First Responders Operating in Low - Light 2 24
3320 Terrorism & Homeland Security (General) 1 80
3321 Technical Emerg. Response CBRNE Incidents 32 32
3322 Patrol Rifle 16 80
3323 Patrol Rifle Instructor 24 120
3324 SWAT Sniper Training 2 100
3325 Precision Rifle 16 40
3326 Patrol Rifle In-service Training ( Not 3322 ) 2 8
3327 Low light tactical operations training 4 40
3328 SWAT legal and liability training 2 8
3329 SWAT-Use of Distraction Devices 1 8
3330 Emergency Response to Terrorism Distance Education 8 8
3332 Intro to Domestic Terrorism (State & Local) CD 2 4
3333 Border Violence Issues-General 1 40
3334 Firearms Electronic Simulator 1 24
3335 NCBRT Transit Tools (AWR-157) 24 24
3336 CNA Intro Homeland Security Risk Management 2 2
3337 Firearms Proficiency Officer Training 16 32
3338 Law Enforcement Ambush Response 1 40
3339 Scientific Statement and Linguistic Analysis 16 16
3340 Crowd Control 1 120
3341 Police K9 Training 1 360
3342 Tactical Firearms Training 1 120
3343 Less Lethal Chemical Weapons Training (OC, Mace, e 1 120
3344 Less Lethal Electronic Control Device Training 0 40
3345 Less Lethal Impact Weapons Training (Bean Bag/Impa 1 120
3346 Pursuit Intervention Technique ( PIT) 4 24
3347 Less Lethal Electronic Control Device Update 1 16
3348 Simunition Scenario 8 24
3349 Stop Stick 1 1
3350 vehicle disabling device 1 8
3351 CTS Chemical/Impact Munitions Instructor Course 24 32
3352 Spike Strips (TtT) 4 4
3353 Edge Weapons Instr Undercover Officers CDTA 36 36
3354 Shooting Reconstruction 40 40
3355 ALERRT Level 1 Instructor Recertification online 8 8
3356 ALERRT Fire As A Weapon 4 8
3357 ALERRT First Responder Medical 4 16
3358 Police Bicycle 1 120
3359 Police Motorcycle 1 120
3360 Segway Training 2 8
3361 Armored Vehicle Driving Course 4 16
3362 All Terrain Vehicle Operation 2 40
3363 Aerial Platform SWAT training 4 24
3364 ALERRT CRASE online 4 4
3365 Advanced S.W.A.T. 40 120
3366 ALERRT Active Attack Incident Mgmt (online) 4 4
3367 ALERRT Active Attack Inc Mgmt (AAIM) TtT 8 32
3368 ALERRT Prestaged RTF Operations 4 16
3369 ALERRT Active Attack Incident Mmgt w Exercises 8 16
3370 Computer-based Offender Tracking 1 40
3371 Criminal Intelligence Investigations 1 20
3372 Best practices Training 1 24
3373 Cyber Investigation 1 100
3374 Recognize & Define an Active Shooter 1 24
3375 Dealing w/Persons in Crisis 1 30
3376 ALERRT Breaching for 1st Responders TtT crs 40 48
3377 ALERRT ERASE TtT 40 48
3378 ALERRT Civilian Response and Casualty Care TtT 4 16
3380 ALERRT AAIR Train the Trainer 40 48
3381 ALERRT AAIR 4 24
3382 ALERRT SORD 4 24
3390 Ballistic Shield Training 4 40
3392 ALERRT SORD Train the Trainer 40 40
3393 ALERRT First Resp. Medical TtT 24 40
3394 ALERRT Exterior Response to Active Shooter Events 4 24
3395 Critical Incident De-Escalation 1 40
3396 Patrol/Tactical Seminar 1 40
3401 Commercial Driver's License Law Course 4 100
3402 DWI/DUI Detection and Enforcement 1 120
3403 Selective Traffic Enforcement 1 120
3404 Traffic Stops 1 120
3405 Motorcycle Safety and Enforcement Training (MSET) 8 16
3406 MSET Train the Trainer 16 24
3407 Highway Drug Interdiction 1 80
3408 Roadside Interview Techniques/patrol activities 1 80
3409 Crash Reporting & Analysis Course (TXDOT) 4 4
3410 EDR use in Accident Reconstruction 2 40
3411 Crash Data Recorder Retrieval 8 40
3412 Fugitive Apprehension 8 40
3413 TxDOT_On Road to Zero: How to Best Complete CR3 2 2
3414 Sex Trafficking 6 6
3450 EEO-General Training 1 5
3501 Suicide Detection and Prevention in Jails (Inter) 8 60
3502 Inmate Rights and Privileges (Intermediate) 16 60
3503 Interpersonal Communications Corr. Setting (Inter) 16 60
3504 Use of Force in a Jail Setting (Intermediate) 16 60
3505 Fire Inspector 40 202
3506 Legal Issues for Jail Personnel 1 100
3507 PREA / Inmate Sexual Assault Prevention 1 8
3509 Fire related investigations 2 150
3510 Municipal Jail Training 1 120
3511 Booking Procedures 1 120
3512 Fire and Life Safety 1 480
3513 Identification of Prison Gangs 1 120
3514 Jail Administration 1 120
3515 Prisoner Screening Techniques 1 120
3516 Processing Inmates 1 120
3517 Suicide Prevention 1 120
3518 Assessing for Suicide, Medical, and Mental Impairm 2 6
3519 Objective Jail Classification 4 4
3520 What to Expect During an Inspection 4 8
3521 The Basics of Minimum Jail Standards 8 8
3522 TCJS Required Reporting 3 4
3523 Inmate Transport 4 24
3524 MH, Suicide, and De-escalation for Jailer 24 24
3525 Mental Illness-De-escalation Techniques Mission 1 8
3550 Command and Control Volume, 1 Programs 1 36
3551 Command and Control, Volume 2 Programs 1 24
3552 Command and Control, Volume 3 Programs 1 24
3599 Jail Firearms Course 24 80
3600 Juvenile 1 100
3601 Recognition of Child Abuse or Neglect 1 100
3602 Law Enforcement Flight Training 1 600
3603 Telecommunicator (general training) 1 100
3606 ALERRT Medical Advanced Skills Class 8 16
3607 ALERRT Active Shooter Responce Incident Mgmt ASIM 24 24
3614 CPS Overview 4 4
3615 Children at Risk 1 120
3616 DARE (not 3950 or 3951) 1 120
3617 Juvenile Issues 1 120
3618 Missing / Run Away Children 1 120
3619 Amber Alert Training 1 24
3620 PREA / Inv. Sexual Abuse in a Confinement Setting 3 16
3621 PREA / Health Care for Sexual Assault Vic. in conf 3 3
3622 PREA / Your Role Responding to Sexual Abuse 1 3
3623 PREA 101: Basic Intro to PREA 1 1
3624 PREA 1st Responders Duties, Protocols, & Inv. 1 1
3625 PREA Coor. Roles & Responsibilities 3 3
3626 PREA Comm. Effectively & Prof w/LGBTI Offenders 1 1
3627 PREA Audit Process & Instr. Overview 3 3
3696 Blue Courage 16 20
3697 Blue Courage Train the Trainer 16 20
3698 Blue Courage Master Class 4 8
3699 LEMIT- FEMT Fire Executive Management Training 1 100
3700 Management/Supervision 1 1999
3701 First Line Supervision 36 100
3702 Field Training Officer 24 40
3703 GMI Management Skills Seminar (Overview) 1 40
3704 GMI Module 1 100 199
3705 GMI Module 2 100 199
3706 GMI Module 3 100 199
3707 GMI Research Paper 70 199
3708 LCC Module IV 24 80
3709 Command Staff Leadership Series (LEMIT Course) 38 80
3710 Basic Police Supervision 24 100
3711 Supervisor II 22 100
3713 Incident Command Simulation Training 4 80
3714 Constables Leadership College Module I 20 40
3715 Constables Leadership College Module II 40 80
3716 Constables Leadership College Module III 40 80
3717 Social Media-Networking 1 24
3718 Advanced Field Training Officer 8 40
3719 International Police Programs/Exchange 8 80
3720 Telecommunications Operator Field Training 1 160
3721 County Correction Officer Field Training 0 160
3722 Peace Officer Field Training 0 160
3724 Interest Based Leadership (TXDPS) 8 99
3725 Field Training Officer Update 1 40
3737 New Supervisor's Course 20 199
3738 Dale Carnegie Course (Effective Communications) 1 80
3739 Character-Based Policing (Character First!) 16 40
3740 Chief's Continuing Education 40 40
3742 New Constables Training 40 120
3743 Constables Continuing Education 40 120
3744 FBI Cart ImageScan System 6 6
3745 FBI-LEEDA Command Institute 20 80
3746 FBI-LEEDA Supervisor Leadership Institute 20 80
3747 FBI-LEEDA Executive Survival 16 40
3748 FBI-LEEDA Managing Internal Affairs Investigations 24 40
3749 FBI Command College 32 80
3750 FBI National Academy (Session) 255 440
3751 Effective Leadership / Leadership Training 1 200
3752 Manpower Distribution Techniques 1 120
3753 Motivation Techniques 1 120
3754 Police Administration 1 120
3755 Budget and Planning Strategies 1 120
3756 Staffing 1 120
3757 Selection and Promotion 1 120
3758 FBI-LEEDS Course 40 80
3759 FBI-LEEDA Online Supervisory Liability Training 24 24
3760 FBI-LEEDA Executive Institute 22 40
3761 FBI-LEEDA Leaders Without Titles 32 32
3762 FBI-LEEDA Advanced Supervisor Liability 24 24
3763 FBI-LEEDA Media and Public Relations 30 40
3764 FBI-LEEDA Professional Standards & Ethics 18 28
3765 FBI-First Responder Course in Cyber Investigations 5 5
3766 FBI-LEEDA Reflective Leadership 28 36
3768 FBI-LEEDA First Amend. Training Prog.604LE 24 24
3770 FBI NAA Annual Conference 2 24
3771 FBI NAA Comp Resiliency TtT 20 20
3772 FBI NAA Comp Officer Resiliency 16 16
3773 FBI NAA Leadership for Women in Law Enforc. Conf. 2 24
3774 FBI NAA Leadership/Management Courses 16 48
3775 FBI-LEEDA Master Public Information Officer 30 40
3780 New Chief's Course 40 80
3781 Child Sex Trafficking and Investigations 1 8
3791 Police Command Staff Training 2 400
3792 Work Environment Safety Awareness 1 8
3795 Small Police Management Program 40 80
3796 Management/Supervision Seminar 1 160
3799 Staff Training 1 80
3800 Technical/Specialized 1 100
3801 TCIC/NCIC (not 3807 or 3802) 1 40
3803 TCIC/NCIC for Administrators 1 100
3804 HIV Aids & Viral Hepatitis in Criminal Justice 1 100
3805 Haz-Mat Incident Commander 40 80
3806 Hazardous Materials (Haz-Mat)/ Haz Mat Investigati 1 100
3810 Spanish - General In-Service Training 1 100
3812 TDD/TTY for Telecommunicators 2 16
3814 TCIC/NCIC Terminal Agency Coordinator 8 16
3816 WMD Awareness for LE Executives 16 16
3817 Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce-TERT 4 16
3818 TEEX WMD Command Concepts (Manage100) 8 8
3819 Telecommunicator Emergency Task Force Team Leader 4 8
3820 Introductory Spanish for Law Enforcement 1 99
3821 Diversionary Device Training 4 40
3822 Criminal Justice Practitioner NCIC/TCIC 2 2
3823 Tactical Operators Training 4 360
3824 Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce TtT 8 16
3825 PERF Senior Management for Police Training 86 120
3829 Tactical First Aid 1 24
3830 General First Aid Training 1 40
3835 Tactical Trauma Care 1 84
3836 Concealed Carry for Law Enforcement Officers 2 24
3843 CIT-Update 8 16
3844 Crisis Training/Peer support 1 40
3845 CPR 2 16
3846 P.T.S.D. Related Training 2 40
3847 Excited Delirium Syndrome 2 16
3849 Post Critical Incident Training 4 40
3850 DNA, General 1 120
3851 Breathalyzer / Intoxilyzer 1 120
3852 Communications Operations / 911 1 120
3853 Computer Aided Dispatch 1 120
3854 Computer Operations 1 120
3855 Fingerprint Identification 1 120
3856 First Aid / EMT / ECA (not course 3830) 1 320
3857 Foreign Language 1 120
3858 School Resource Officer 1 120
3859 Campus Based Emergency Training (General) 1 80
3860 Prevention and response to Suicide Bombings(NMIMT) 4 40
3861 National WMD Standardized Awareness Trainer 12 12
3862 National WMD Standardized Awareness 6 6
3863 Explosive Breaching 16 120
3864 Manual Breaching 2 20
3865 Ballistic Breaching 4 24
3866 EMT Paramedic 1 100
3870 Psychological Profiling Techniques 1 120
3871 Stress Management 1 120
3872 Scuba Emergency Managment Training 2 40
3873 FBI-LEEDA Basic Supervisor Liability 24 24
3880 Environmental Law Enforcement 1 120
3881 Emergency Management (General Number) 1 80
3882 COMET/NOAA Weather Recognition Training 1 8
3883 FEMA Continuity of Operation Plan TtT 18 18
3884 FEMA Intro to Continuity of Ops. 1 1
3889 Tactical Maritime Based Operations Training 8 56
3890 Public Safety Diver, General 1 120
3891 Water Rescue 1 120
3892 Underwater Recovery - Persons 1 120
3893 Underwater Evidence Recovery 1 120
3894 Basic Scuba for Law Enforcement 16 100
3895 Basic Boat Operations 8 40
3896 Technical/Specialized Seminar 1 8
3901 Family Violence 1 100
3902 Crime Prevention In-Service 1 100
3904 Cultural Awareness 1 100
3905 MultiCultural Awarness Pgm for Crim. Just. Prof. 4 100
3906 Cultural Diversity for Texas Law Enforcement 8 100
3907 MultiCultural Diversity/Awarness for L.E. Prof. 4 100
3908 Law Enforcement and the Elderly 1 100
3909 Consular Notification 1 4
3910 Sexual Harassment Recognition 1 100
3911 Community Programs 1 120
3912 Community Relations 1 120
3913 Community Volunteers 1 120
3914 Directed Patrol 1 120
3915 Sexting/phone/cyber messaging 1 6
3916 Personal Water Craft 1 8
3917 Justice Involved Veterans Jail Training 8 8
3920 Ethics in Law Enforcement 1 99
3921 Advanced Ethics 1 8
3922 Off Duty Encounters 1 40
3929 Ethical Decision Making 4 4
3930 Ethics - General In-Service Training 1 99
3931 Defensive Driving 4 16
3939 Cultural Diversity 8 99
3940 Community Policing 1 199
3941 Understanding Community Policing 8 16
3950 DARE Officer Training 8 100
3951 DARE Instructor Course 12 80
3954 School Based Law Enforcement Training General 2 40
3955 G.R.E.A.T. Program Training 8 60
3959 MASTT Maritime Awareness Security/Training 6 6
3960 Marine Safety Enforcement Officer 8 200
3961 Marine Safety Enforcement Officer Instructor TP&W 12 40
3962 Basic Scout School (TPWD) 1 60
3963 BOAT Airboat Operations Course (TPWD) 8 50
3964 BOAT Officer Water Survival Course (TPWD) 4 100
3965 BOAT Tactical Operators Course (TPWD) 20 50
3966 BOAT Operator/Crew Pursuit and Stop Course (TPWD) 20 50
3967 BOAT Operations/Crew Search and Rescue Course (TPW 6 50
3968 BOAT Basic Operator/Crew member Course (TPWD) 4 100
3969 MSLEP Maritime Security Course 20 80
3970 Basic SRO (NASRO) 16 50
3971 Advanced SRO (NASRO) 16 50
3972 BOAT Marine Accident Investigation (TPWD) 1 100
3980 Warrant Service 4 24
3981 Postal Investigations 4 24
3982 Swiftwater Rescue 1 120
3999 Basic Fingerprint Processing 2 2
4000 Bombs and Explosive Devices 1 350
4004 Fingerprint Classification 1 100
4005 Fingerprints Latent 1 100
4006 Forensic Science 1 400
4007 Identi-Kit 1 100
4011 Photography 1 100
4012 Police Photography (Adv) 1 100
4013 Polygraph Examiner 1 400
4018 Armorer/Gunsmith 1 100
4019 Blood Stain/Pattern Interpretation 1 100
4021 Video Techniques 1 100
4029 Aircraft Operations 1 100
4031 Tactical Flight Observer Training 1 120
4033 Drone Training 2 24
4040 Mental Impairment (General) 1 99
4041 Cartel Operations/Investigations 16 40
4042 Developmental Disabilities 1 24
4043 Mobile Video Training 1 8
4044 Unmanned Aircraft/Drone 2 100
4050 General Disability 1 99
4051 People that are Deaf or Hard of Hearing 4 40
4052 Hearing Disabilities 1 120
4053 Sight Disabilities 1 120
4054 Speech Disabilities 1 120
4055 Understanding Communication Impediment 2 2
4061 Abuse of the Elderly 1 120
4062 Elderly Driver Recognition (NHTSA) 4 8
4063 School Based LE Train the Trainer (State Mandate) 20 40
4064 School Based LE Training (State Mandate) 20 40
4065 Canine Encounters (Intermediate/Advance) 4 8
4066 Traumatic and Acquired Brain Injury 2 8
4067 Trauma affected Veterans 16 24
4068 Child Safety Check Alert List (Intermediate/Advanc 1 4
4069 Veterans-PTSD and related injuries 2 16
4070 Trauma Informed / Sexual Assault Investigations 16 40
4071 Basic Code Enforcement 36 36
4100 Information Technology (General) 1 40
4101 Operational Information Security 1 16
4102 Online Information Sharing Systems 2 16
4103 Financial Crimes 4 40
4104 Judicial Protection 1 16
4201 Mental Health Officer course 24 40
4202 Finding Wellness-Building a Healthier Life 4 16
4203 Elementary Educational Outreach Training 1 4
4204 IDD Training for Peace Officers 4 8
4250 US Immigration and Customs Enf 287(g) 150 150
4800 DPS - TCIC/TLETS Mobile Operator Training Course 8 8
4801 DPS - TCIC/TLETS LTFA Operator Training Course 16 16
4802 DPS - TCIC/TLETSFull Access Op Training Course 24 24
4803 DPS -TCIC/TLETS Assoc Trainer Qualification Course 16 16
4804 DPS - TCIC/TLETS Assoc Trainer Course 32 32
4805 DPS -TCIC/TLETS Assoc Trainer Recertification Crs 8 8
4806 DPS - TCIC/TLETS System Updates 4 4
4900 Mental Health Training for Jailers 8 16
4901 TX COMM on JAIL STANDAR - Suicide Prev for Jailers 4 4
4960 Bleeding Control Training 1 2
5014 1st Responder to Computer Crimes 4 4
5100 Module 1 Communication Skills 80 150
5101 Basic Concepts of Interpersonal Communication 8 100
5102 Effective Commun. in Crisis or Conflict Situations 8 100
5103 The Telecommunicator and Stress 1 100
5104 The Telecommunicator and Administrative Issues 16 100
5105 Build Interpersonal Communication Skills 24 100
5106 Communication Devices 8 100
5107 Practical Utilization of TDD in Telecommunications 8 100
5108 Emerg Medical Dispatching (NECI) 24 24
5109 Radio Use and Interoperability Training 1 16
5110 Understanding Stress for the Telecommunicator 1 1
5111 TC 911 - Studious Dispatcher 4 4
5112 Seasonal Affective Disorder Awareness 1 1
5200 Module 2 General Overview 80 150
5201 Concepts and Functions of Law Enforcement 1 100
5202 Concepts and Functions of Fire&Emergency Med Svcs. 16 100
5203 General 9-1-1 Functions 8 100
5204 Admin Issues in Telecommunications Function 16 99
5205 Communication Systems and Technology 4 160
5300 Module 3 Law Enforcement Specialization 80 199
5301 Criminal Law for Telecommunication Personnel 24 100
5302 The Telecommunicator in a Crisis Mgmt Role 80 150
5303 The Telecommunicator Role Involving Hazardous Mate 24 100
5304 The Telecommunicator as a Trainer and Supervisor 8 100
5305 Domestic Violence Intervention for Tele 1 16
5306 Hostage Negotiations for Telecommunicators 2 24
5307 Suicide Intervention for Telecommunicators 1 16
5308 Protecting Law Enforcement Responders 2 16
5309 Active Shooter Response for Telecommunicators 1 24
5310 Emergency Medical Dispatch 1 40
5311 Law Enforcement Dispatch 2 36
5312 Fire Service Dispatch 2 36
5313 911 Liability for Telecommunicators 2 8
5314 Emergency Breathing Device 1 24
5315 Active Bystandership in Law Enforcement 8 8
5316 Active Bystandership in LE-Trainer Cert Crs 20 20
5317 Active Bystandership in LE Annual Refresher 2 2
5487 Commercial Motor Vehicle Interdiction 8 24
5488 COVID-19 for Law Enforcement 1 1
5900 Jail Mental Health Officer 40 40
6011 Alcohol/Drug Abuse Recognition 1 100
6012 Health/Physical Fitness/Stress 1 100
6013 Fitness Nutrition Specialist 30 150
6014 Tactical Entry Training 1 40
6016 Security Awareness (General) 1 40
6017 Reducing Impaired Driving Adult/Youth 8 24
6018 Motorcycle Operators Course 6 72
6019 Policy Instruction and Review 2 8
6023 Background Investigations 1 24
6029 IADLEST Annual Training Conference 1 40
6030 Tactical Vehicle Traffic Stops & Extractions 2 24
6031 Child Safety Seat Instruction and Enforcement 4 32
6032 Assessment Center and Oral Board Preparation 2 8
6033 Rail Grade and Crossing Accident Investigations 4 16
6034 Grant Writing/Grant Managment 4 16
6035 Crime Analysis Course 4 40
6036 Home Invasion Investigations 2 40
6037 Honor Guard Training 2 80
6038 Public Information Officer Training 4 40
6043 License Plate Reader Operations 2 8
6044 Statement Development and Analysis 8 40
6045 Campus Based Training - Clery Act 2 40
6046 Personal Development 1 24
6047 Forensic Art Training 1 40
6048 Canine Handlers Training 8 560
6049 Forensic Mapping 8 40
6050 Human Trafficking Topics ( Not 3270 or 3271) 1 80
6051 Police Chaplain Training 4 40
6052 Chaplaincy for Law Enforcement 1 100
6060 Canine Training General 1 40
7771 Barricades and Cover 4 20
7800 Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs TNOA 4 4
7801 Pharmaceutical Diversion Investigations TNOA 4 4
7802 Southwest Border Intel TNOA 4 4
7803 Overdose / Conspiracy Investigations TNOA 4 4
7804 Aryan Brotherhood Investigations TNOA 4 4
7805 Drug Endangered Children TNOA 4 4
7806 Current Drug Trends TNOA 4 4
7807 Advanced Undercover Violence TNOA 4 8
7808 Highway Interdiction TNOA 4 4
7809 Patron Saints of the Mexican Underworld TNOA 4 10
7810 Sex Drugs and Social Networking TNOA 4 4
7811 Drug Crisis - Bath Salts and Opiates TNOA 4 4
7812 Intel EPIC Trends TNOA 4 4
7813 Law Enforcement Officer Liability TNOA 4 4
7814 Narcotics K9 Response TNOA 4 4
7815 Operator Standards TNOA 8 8
7816 Narcotics Plainclothes Response TNOA 8 8
7817 Undercover Weapons TNOA 8 8
7818 TNOA Tactical Shooting Challenge TNOA 8 16
7819 Mass Casualty Training / Planning 1 40
7820 Security Awareness Training (Securing the Human) 10 10
7821 Risk & Safety Management 1 40
7822 Rights of Minors 4 8
7823 Law Enforcement Boat Operations 4 150
7824 Advanced Undercover Techniques/Survival 16 36
7878 Physical Skills Assessment 8 40
7887 Interacting with drivers deaf or hard of hearing 4 8
8001 Retirement Planning for Law Enforcement 2 8
8002 Finance/Budget for Law Enforcement Personnel 4 35
8003 Michael Morton Act 2 16
8004 House of Worship Safety & Security 1 100
8005 House of Worship Safety & Security Active Shooter 1 100
8006 House of Worship Safety & Security Firearms 1 100
8158 Body Worn Camera 2 4
8159 Enhance Driver Responsibility Program 1 1
8160 Electronic Motorized Vehicle 1 24
8810 Women in Command 8 24
8811 NHI National Traffic Incident Management-133126 4 4
8813 Below 100 1 16
8814 Traffic Management 4 40
8815 Building Search 2 40
8816 Mental Health First Aid 7 8
8817 TC911 - Workplace Wellness 4 16
8818 TC911 - Burnout and Compassion Fatigue 4 8
8837 Peace Officer and Open Carry Training 1 40
8880 LE Body Worn Camera Operations 1 16
8881 AACOG-Recognition & Response to the I/DD Community 2 24
8882 Mental Health 1 40
9570 Ess Comp of De-escalation & Conflict Resolution 1 1
9571 Truths of Human Interaction 1 1
9572 Interaction Princ for De-escalation Success 1 1
9573 Body Language: Reading People 101 1 1
9574 Body Language: Reading People 201 1 1
9575 Body Language: Analysis of Deceptive Behavior 1 1
9576 Body Language: Analysis of Pre-attack Indicators 1 1
9577 Roadway Dangers 1 1
9579 Approach: People 1 1
9580 Approach: Vehicle 1 1
9581 Approach: Buildings 1 1
9582 The Graham Standard 1 1
9583 Guardians on the Ground 1 1
9584 Emotional Survival in Law Enforcement 1 1
9585 Women in Leadership 1 1
9586 Guardians & Warriors: Seeking Balance 1 1
9587 Implicit Bias: Facts & Myths 1 1
9588 Leadership: Personal Agenda or Mission Success 1 1
9589 Kinesics Interviewing: Reading the Suspect & Detec 1 1
9590 Motivation & Bureaucratic Roadblocks 1 1
9591 Fundamentals of Stress 101 1 1
9592 Fundamental of Stress 201 1 1
9593 Shoot/Don't Shoot: Jessee Kidder Incident 1 1
9594 The Fatal Four 1 1
9595 TS - Policies and Procedures 1 1
9596 TS - Constitional Law 1 1
9597 TS - Understanding Fatigue for Law Enforcement 1 1
9598 TS - Domestic Violence 1 1
9599 TS–Off. Survival -Physiological Resp. Stress 1 1
9600 TS - Command - Core Competencies of Leadership 1 1
9601 TS - Art of Effective Communication 1 1
9602 TS - Civil Rights 1 1
9603 TS - Police Officer Liability 1 1
9604 TS Search and Seizure 1 1
9605 TS Patrol-Report Writing to Win Cases 1 1
9606 TS-Patrol Law Enf Personnel Standards 1 1
9607 TS-Servant Leadership 1 1
9608 TS-Cultural Competency in LE 1 1
9609 TS-Rapidly Evolving Challenges, Perspectives of LE 1 1
9610 TS-Patrol Critical Incident Management 1 1
9611 TS- LE Instructor Best Practices and Values 1 1
9612 TS- Active Shooter Prep and Response 1 1
9613 TS- Body Cameras 1 1
9614 TS- Suicide by Cop 1 1
9686 DPS National Guard Training 1 80
9813 Advanced Force Science Specialist Course 300 300
9814 Basic Force Science Specialist Course 40 40
9908 Line of Duty Death Response 4 40
9909 Officer Involved Shooting 1 40
9910 Insurance Fraud 1 100
10011 Academic Alternative to BPOC (696) 0 0
10181 Supplemental Peace Officer Plus 40 40
10999 Court Security Officer Certification 8 16
20001 IADLEST - Pursuit Policy Train the Trainer 8 8
20002 Data Driven Strategic Planning Workshop 8 8
20003 Crime and Traffic Safety Analysis 14 16
20004 Advancing the Safer Model Analytical Toolset 14 16
20005 Data Driven Decision Making for Chief Exec 10 14
20006 Large Truck and Bus Traffic Enf Training- basic 2 2
20007 Large Truck/Bus Traffic Enf Training- TnT 4 4
21000 Brady - A Simple Approach (Tx Court of Crim. Appea 1 2
21001 Intro to Court Security 4 4
21002 Baliff Functions 4 4
21003 Court Screening Basics 8 8
21004 Explosives Recognition and Awarness 4 80
21005 Intro to Court Security Technology 4 4
21006 Court Security Practical Exercise 8 8
21007 Court Security Practical Firearms 8 8
21008 Managing the Court Security Function 8 8
21009 High Risk Trial Planning and Operations 8 8
21010 Advanced Court Security Technology 4 4
21011 Court Security Emergency Planning 4 4
21012 Certified Court Security Professional 4 4
21013 PPCT Defensive Tactics Instructor 40 40
21014 NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist 55 55
21015 Court Security Specialist Update 4 4
22109 Spanish for Telecommunicators 20 80
22129 Primary job exemption-SAFVI 0 0
22137 Primary job exemption-Cybercrime 0 0
22139 Primary job exemption-Crime Prevention 0 0
22141 Primary job exemption-Court Security 0 0
22911 Crime Stopper Texas 1 2
30418 Civilian Interaction Training 2 8
32800 TXGang 1 40
33110 ALERRT Level 1 Compliance 0 0
33111 ALERRT Command and Control 4 40
34001 Spanish Law Enforce-On Patrol (Intermed) 20 20
34002 Spanish Corrections-On Patrol(Intermed) 20 20
34003 Spanish 911/Dispatch-On Patrol (Intermed) 20 20
34004 Spanish for Park Rangers 20 20
36012 CrossFit Trainer level 1 16 16
37001 TPCAF - Developing Leaders for Texas Law Enforceme 40 120
37002 TPCAF - Organizational Leadership Courage and Char 16 16
37003 TPCAF - Managing Patrol Operations 16 16
37004 TPCAF - Managing Criminal Investigations 12 16
37005 TPCAF - Managing Special Operations 12 12
37006 TPCAF - Managing Traffic Enforcement Operations 16 16
37007 TPCAF - Basic Internal Affairs 16 16
37008 TPCAF - Performance Appraisals & Employee Accounta 12 12
37009 TPCAF - Pre-Employment Background Investigations 16 16
37010 TPCAF - Leadership for Field Training Officers 40 40
37011 TPCAF - Auditing and Inspections 8 8
37012 TPCAF - Recognition Program Training 2 12
37013 TPCAF - Managing Admin. Operations 16 16
37014 TPCAF - Leadership Primer 2 8
37015 TPCAF - Make Room for Marriage Workshop 8 8
38061 Weapons of Mass Destruction - General 1 120
38603 Natonal Institute for Corrections Incident Command 3 3
38700 General Instructor Development 1 120
38701 Curriculum Development 1 120
38703 Lesson Plan Development 1 120
38704 Use of Instructional Media 1 120
38705 Basic PowerPoint 1 120
38706 Advanced PowerPoint 1 120
38707 Needs Assessment 1 120
38708 Task Analysis 1 120
38709 Adult Learning Theory 1 120
38710 Student Behaviors 1 120
38711 Training and the Generation Gap 1 120
38712 Evaluation and the Training Process 1 120
38713 e-Learning and Web Based Applications 1 120
38714 Developing Effective Distance Education 1 120
38715 Public Speaking 1 120
38718 Liability and the Training Process 1 120
38719 Communication 1 120
38720 Writing Skills for Trainers 1 120
38721 Advanced Instructional Techniques 24 100
38723 Advanced Crime Scene--Tarrant Co. 32 32
38724 Elite CEU False Alarm Reduction 101 Causes and Imp 1 1
38726 Cross Fit Level 2 Trainer 1 14
38727 Firearms Instructor Development 1 40
38728 Emergency Restraint Chair 1 8
38763 SABA ( Self Aid, Buddy Aid ) 2 24
39001 NITV Analytical Interview System 24 24
39393 Cultural Diversity ( DPS, Response Network Online 8 8
40051 TFSA Basic Criminal Investigation Course 40 40
40052 TFSA Forensic Technician Course 80 80
40053 TFSA Forensic Photography Course 40 40
40054 TFSA Forensic Photography II Course 40 40
40055 TFSA Latent Print Processing Course 40 40
40056 TFSA Courtroom Testimony Course 40 40
40057 TFSA Bloodstain Patten Analysis Course 40 40
40058 TFSA Processing Evidence of Violent Crimes Course 40 40
40059 TFSA Death Investigation Course 40 40
40060 TFSA Skeletal Death Investigation Course 40 40
40061 TFSA Forensic Entomology Course 40 40
40062 TFSA Basic Property Technician 16 16
40063 TFSA Foundation of Fingerprint Comparison 16 16
40064 TFSA Forensic Fire Fatality Investigation 40 40
40065 TFSA Foundations of Courtroom Testimony (Online) 16 16
40066 TFSA Latent Print Comparison I 40 40
40067 TFSA Courtroom Testimony Practical Applications 24 24
40711 HPD-Trauma-Informed Approach online course 8 8
41500 TxSSC Introductory SBLE - TtT 32 32
41501 TxSSC Introductory SBLE 32 32
41502 TxSSC Intermediary SBLE 32 32
41503 TxSSC Intermediary SBLE TtT 32 32
41504 TXSSC Adv. SBLE Course 32 32
41505 TxSSC Master SBLE 32 32
50001 NFA Juvenile Firesetter Specialist I 20 20
50002 NFA Juvenile Firesetter Specialist II 20 20
52000 Narcan 1 20
52001 Introduction to Operational Medicine 16 16
52002 What Jail Staff needs to Know Jail Care System 6 6
52003 Advanced Medical in Jail Setting 6 8
52004 Jail Psychiatric Care System 8 8
52005 DEA Basic Concealment Course 8 8
52050 DEA: Level A Clandestine Lab Recertification 20 24
52070 Adv Acc Invest. Phase 2 (S. Tex Border Reg Acad) 40 40
53057 Report Writing for Increased Convictions (LERC) 8 8
53201 Death Investigation for Law Enforcement 1 40
53204 STAR Defensive Tactics Instructor Course 16 16
53265 ACA Module 1 Laws and Dynamics TMPA 8 8
53266 ACA Module 2 Interviewing and Interrogating Techni 8 8
53267 ACA Module 3 Special Topics and Resources TMPA 8 8
53268 Advanced Child Abuse Investigation TMPA 24 40
53269 ACA Module 1 Laws and Dynamics TMPA 8 8
53270 ACA Module 2 Interviewing and Interrogating TMPA 8 8
53271 TX Inv. & Prosecution of Strangulation TMPA 8 8
53272 SAFVIC Trauma Informed Victim Interviews 3 3
53736 New Detectives Training-El Paso 24 40
54001 Intro to Incident Command System (C-B) 8 8
54002 DHS-Intermediate Incident Management (ICS-320) 24 24
54003 Inter Emer Operations Ctr Funct. 22 22
54010 Incident Resp. Terror Bombing NMTech Instructor 27 27
54011 Incident Resp. Terror Bombing NMTech 4 27
55023 Law Enforcement Response to Terrorism Part I 16 16
55047 Law Enforcement Driving Safety School -MSR Houston 8 16
56001 First Responder TPCT 8 8
56002 Sudden Custody Death Syndrome TPCT 4 4
56003 Excited Delirium Syndrome Training 8 16
57001 Use of Force - Response Network 2 4
57002 Applied Ethics Becoming an Exemplary PO - Response 2 4
57003 Domestic Violence - Response Network 1 4
57004 Emotional Intelligence - Response Network 1 8
57006 Avoiding Ethnic and Sexual Harassment 2 4
57007 Bloodbourne Pathogens 2 4
57008 Community Policing/Customer Service 2 4
57009 EVOC 2 40
57010 Maintaining Mental Health in Law Enforcement 2 8
57011 Officer Survival. 1 60
57012 RADAR - Operations and Use 2 4
57013 U.S. Supreme Court Legal Updates 2 4
57014 Cultural Diversity (Not 3939) 4 4
57015 Policing the mentally ill 4 4
57016 Calibre Press Street Survival 8 16
57017 Calibre Press Ultimate Survival Instincts 8 16
57018 Developing a Winning Mind 2 16
57019 Bulletproof Mind and Mental Preparation For Combat 4 16
57020 Aftermath of a Critical Incident 2 8
57021 Developing a Winning Mind for Women 2 16
57022 Basic Tactical Dispatcher Course Denco 911 24 40
57023 Dispatch Training Officer Program (DENCO) 40 60
57110 Cabibre Press Recruiting & Retaining the Next Gen. 8 16
57111 Calibre Press Criminal Patrol Tactics 8 8
57112 Calibre Press Anatomy of Force Incidents 8 8
57113 Calibre Press Arresting Communication 8 16
57114 Calibre Press Surviving Hidden Weapons 8 8
57115 Calibre Press Female Enforcers 8 16
57116 Calibre Press Beyond The Cones 8 8
57117 Calibre Press Tactics in Traffic 8 8
57118 Calibre Press Finding The Leader in You 8 16
57119 Calibre Press: The Tactical Leader 8 8
57120 Calibre Press The Bulletproof Warrior 16 40
57121 Calibre Press The Warriors Edge 8 16
57122 Calibre Press Cell Block Survival 8 16
57123 Calibre Press Road Wise Train the Trainer 8 24
57124 Calibre Press Road Wise 8 24
57125 Calibre Press Read Recognize Respond 8 24
57126 Calibre Press Ultimate Training Officer 16 16
57127 Calibre Press Legally Justiied; But was it avoidab 2 8
57128 Calibre Press Constitional Use of Force 8 8
57129 Calibre Press How to predict Violence & Infl Outco 8 16
57130 Calibre Press Active Threat Incidents 8 16
57131 Calibre Press Emotional Survival for Female Enforc 8 16
57132 Calibre Press Reading People 8 24
58001 Tactical Emergency Medical Peace Officer - Basic P 8 24
58002 Tactical First Aid - PerSys Medical 8 8
58003 Appearance and Performance of Enhancing Drugs 4 8
58004 TC911_Courtroom Testimony for 911 First Responder 16 16
58005 TC911 - CTO Refresher Course 8 8
58006 TC911 - Standards:Where did they come from... 8 8
58007 TC911 - CTO Agency Training Prog Dev & Mgmt 16 16
61000 FAA - Aircraft Ramp Check Ops for LE 1 8
62040 Defensive Tactics - Canine Encounters (Proprietary 4 8
62041 Texas Specific-Shoot Don't Shoot 4 8
62042 Defensive Tactics: Canine Encounters - Train the T 12 12
65966 FEMA-Prev. Radiological/Nuclear Det. Maritime Ops. 21 24
65967 FEMA A Deadly Dose:Fent, Opioids, & 1st Responder 1 1
65968 FEMA Chem Sector Sec Awareness Training 1 1
65969 FEMA Decontamination for LE 1 1
65971 FEMA Social Media Strat for LE 1 1
65972 FEMA LE Resp to Recent Protest Mov. 1 1
65973 FEMA Autism Awareness for Emer Services 1 1
65998 FEMA Intro to Hazardous Materials IS00005a 10 10
65999 FEMA Public Infor Officer Awareness IS00029.a 2 7
66000 FEMA Homeland Security Planning for Campus Executi 4 6
66001 FEMA Emergency Manager: An Orientation (FEMA IS-1) 6 10
66002 FEMA Emergency Prep, USA (FEMA IS-2) 1 10
66004 FEMA Emergency Protective Measures 3 3
66005 FEMA Introduction to Haz Mat (FEMA IS-5a) 10 10
66007 FEMA Citizen's Guide to Disaster Assist(FEMA IS-7) 10 10
66008 FEMA Build EarthquakesTomo (FEMA IS-8) 10 10
66009 FEMA Managing Floodplain Devel NFIP (FEMA IS-9) 40 40
66011 FEMA Animals Disaster Comm. Plan (FEMA IS-11a) 4 4
66015 FEMA Spec Eve Con Plan PS Agen (FEMA IS-15b) 4 4
66022 FEMA Guide to Citizen Prep (FEMA IS-22) 10 10
66023 FEMA Diversity Awareness (FEMA IS-20.11 1 1
66026 FEMA Guide to Points of Distrib (FEMA IS-26) 4 4
66027 FEMA Orientation/ FEMA Logistics (FEMA IS-27) 4 4
66029 FEMA PIO Awareness (FEMA IS-29) 2 8
66037 FEMA Multihazard Plan/Childcare (FEMA IS-36) 2 2
66042 FEMA Social Media in Emer Manage (FEMA-IS 00042) 3 3
66043 FEMA Safety Orientation 2 2
66056 FEMA Household Haz Materials (FEMA IS-55a) 3 4
66059 FEMA Hazardous Materials Contin Plan (FEMA IS-59) 1 1
66060 FEMA-DHS: Human Traficking Awareness 1 1
66075 FEMA Military Resources Emergency (FEMA IS-75) 2 2
66094 FEMA Intro ICS Law Enforcement 3 3
66097 FEMA Into ICS Fed Workers (FEMA IS-100FWa) 3 3
66098 FEMA 100FDA Intro ICS (FEMA IS-100 FDA) 3 3
66100 FEMA Intro ICS 2 4
66103 FEMA Deployment Basics(FEMA IS-101a) 1 1
66107 FEMA Travel Rules and Regulations (FEMA IS-107.10) 1 1
66109 FEMA Privacy Awareness Train (FEMA IS-109) 1 1
66111 FEMA Livestock in Disaster (FEMA IS-111) 4 10
66114 FEMA Preparing Fed Disaster Ops (FEMA IS-102c) 1 1
66119 FEMA Intro to Exercises (FEMA IS-120c) 3 5
66120 FEMA Introduction to Exercises (FEMA IS-120a) 5 5
66128 FEMA Exercise Conduct, Eval & Improv Planning 5 28
66129 How to be ab Exercise Eval (FEMA IS-130.a) 3 3
66140 FEMA Exercise Design and Development 2 16
66144 FEMA TERT Telcom Emer Reps Task (FEMA IS-144) 3 3
66195 FEMA Basic ICS (FEMA IS-195) 1 10
66197 FEMA Special Need Plan Consid (FEMA IS-197) 4 4
66199 FEMA Funct Needs Plan Serv/supp (FEMA IS-197SP) 4 4
66201 FEMA ICS Single Res/Initial Incident (FEMA IS-200b 3 3
66202 FEMA Apply ICS Healthcare Org (FEMA IS-200HCa) 3 3
66203 FEMA Forms Devel. Inc. Plan (FEMA IS-201) 2 3
66208 FEMA State Disaster Management (FEMA IS-208a) 10 10
66212 FEMA Intro Unified Haz Mit (FEMA IS-212) 3 3
66230 FEMA Principles of Emerg Manag (FEMA IS-230a) 6 10
66235 FEMA Emergency Planning (FEMA IS-235) 5 10
66240 FEMA Leadership and Influence (FEMA IS-240) 3 9
66241 FEMA Decision Making /Probl Solving (FEMA IS-241) 2 8
66244 FEMA Develop/Managing Volunteers (FEMA IS-244) 4 10
66245 FEMA Intro Def Prior/Alloca Sys (FEMA IS 245a) 1 1
66248 FEMA Alert System (IPAWS) (FEMA IS-247) 2 2
66250 FEMA Emergency Support Function (FEMA IS-250) 1 1
66253 FEMA Coord Enviro/Historic Pres (FEMA IS-253) 10 10
66254 FEMA Enviro/Historic Preservation (FEMA 253.a) 4 4
66255 FEMA Electrical Systems Considerations 3 3
66256 FEMA Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP) 2 2
66265 FEMA Basic Instructor Skills (FEMA IS-265) 2 2
66271 FEMA Antici Haz Weather/Comm Risk (FEMA IS-271) 9 10
66275 FEMA EOC's Role Comm. PRR (FEMA IS-275) 10 10
66279 FEMA Retrof Flood-Prone Resid Struct (FEMA IS-279) 10 10
66280 FEMA Retro Flood-Prone Resid Bldg (FEMA IS-279.a) 10 10
66281 FEMA Intro to Flood Claims IS 01112 2 2
66282 FEMA Understanding Basement Coverage IS-01109.a 1 1
66288 FEMA Role Vol Agen Emer Managment (FEMA IS-288) 10 10
66292 FEMA Disaster Basics (FEMA IS-292) 10 10
66293 FEMA Mission Assignment Overview - (FEMA IS-293) 3 3
66300 FEMA Int. ICS Exp. Incident (Class Rm) (FEMA IS-30 18 21
66301 FEMA Radiological Emergency Response (FEMA IS-301) 7 10
66302 FEMA Emer Radiological RespTrans (FEMA IS-302) 10 10
66310 FEMA Weapons Mass Destruction (FEMA G-310) 16 16
66318 FEMA Mitigation Plan Loca/Tribal Comm (FEMA IS-318 12 12
66319 FEMA Tornado Mitigation Basics MS 1 2
66320 FEMA Wildfire Mitigation (FEMA IS-320) 1 1
66321 FEMA Hurricane Mitigation (FEMA IS-321) 1 1
66322 FEMA Flood Mitigation (FEMA IS-322) 1 1
66323 FEMA Earthquake Mitigation (IS-323) 1 1
66324 FEMA Community Hurricane Prep (FEMA IS-324a) 10 10
66325 FEMA Floodplain Management and Protection 4 4
66326 FEMA Community Tsunami Prep (FEMA IS-326) 6 6
66330 FEMA Refresh Course/Rad Response (FEMA IS-330) 10 10
66331 FEMA Intro to Radiological Emergency Prep 4 10
66340 FEMA Hazardous Material Prevention (FEMA IS-340) 10 10
66346 FEMA Orien Haz Mat Med Per (FEMA IS-346) 10 10
66347 FEMA Haz-Mat Medical Pers (FEMA IS-346) 10 10
66350 FEMA Disaster Damage and Dev Project Files 8 8
66360 FEMA Prep for Mass Casualty FEMA (IS-360) 1 3
66361 FEMA ICS Planning/Response All Haz (FEMA-MGT 360) 24 24
66366 FEMA Plan/Needs Children/ Disaster (FEMA IS-366) 6 6
66369 FEMA Multi Haz Emer Plan School 3 20
66386 FEMA Intro Resid Coast Constr (FEMA IS-386) 1 14
66393 FEMA Introduction to Mitigation (FEMA IS-393a) 10 10
66394 FEMA Prot Home/Small Bus/ Disaster (FEMA IS-394a) 10 10
66395 FEMA Risk Assess Database (FEMA IS-395) 2 2
66396 FEMA Intro to Hazard Mitigation (FEMA IS-393b) 2 3
66400 FEMA Adv ICS Command Gen Staff (FEMA IS-400) 12 16
66402 FEMA ICS Overview Execs/Senior Offs (FEMA G-402) 2 3
66403 FEMA Intro/Individ Assist (FEMA IS-403) 1 1
66420 FEMA Implement Emer FoodShelter NBP (FEMA IS-420) 2 2
66449 FEMA ICS Train the Trainer (FEMA IS-449) 20 34
66451 FEMA Emer. Prep Fed Employ NCR (FEMA IS-450.NC) 1 1
66454 FEMA Fundamentals Risk Manage (FEMA IS-454) 2 2
66513 FEMA Pro Emergency Management (FEMA IS-513) 10 10
66520 FEMA Intro Cont. Ops Pandemic Influ (FEMA IS-520) 1 1
66522 FEMA Exer Contin. Plans Pandemics (FEMA IS-522) 8 8
66534 FEMA Emer Response/Terrorism (NFA) (FEMA IS-534) 10 10
66547 FEMA Intro Continuity/Ops (COOP) (FEMA IS-547a) 2 2
66549 FEMA Contin Ops Awareness (FEMA IS-546.12) 1 1
66550 FEMA Continuity Exer Design Course (FEMA IS-550) 5 5
66551 FEMA Devolution Planning (FEMA IS-551) 2 2
66552 FEMA Pub Works/Emerg Mang (FEMA IS-552) 2 2
66554 FEMA Emer Plan Pub Works (FEMA IS-554) 3 3
66556 FEMA Dam Asses Pub Work (FEMA IS-556) 3 3
66558 FEMA Pub Works Dis Recovery (FEMA IS-558) 3 3
66559 FEMA Local Damage Assess(FEMA IS-559) 2 2
66600 FEMA Special Consid/Public Assistance (FEMA IS-600 10 10
66613 FEMA Technical Writing (FEMA IS-613) 10 10
66615 FEMA Temporary Emergency Power 2 2
66630 FEMA Intro Public Assistance Process (FEMA IS-630) 2 4
66631 FEMA Public Assistance Operations I (FEMA IS-631) 7 7
66632 FEMA Introduction to Debris Ops (FEMA IS-632) 5 5
66633 FEMA Intro to Debris Operations (FEMA IS-632a) 2 2
66650 FEMA Build Partnership Tribal Comm (FEMA IS-650a) 10 10
66660 FEMA Intro/Private Partner (FEMA IS-660) 2 2
66699 FEMA Intro National Incident MGMT (IS-700.b) 4 4
66700 FEMA National ICS (FEMA IS-700a) 3 4
66701 FEMA NIMS Multi Coordi Sys(MACS) (FEMA IS-701a) 5 5
66702 FEMA NIMS Public Info System (FEMA IS-702a) 3 3
66704 FEMA NIMS Comm & Info Management (FEMA IS-704) 2 2
66706 FEMA NIMS Intrastate Mutual Aid Intro (FEMA IS-706 2 2
66707 FEMA NIMS Resource Management (FEMA IS-703b) 4 4
66720 FEMA Intro to NET Guard (FEMA IS-720) 1 1
66775 FEMA EOC Management and Operation (FEMA IS-775) 4 14
66798 FEMA Basic Inc. Command Sys for In Resp(IS 200c) 1 4
66799 Natl Resp Framework, an Intro (FEMA IS-800.c) 3 3
66800 FEMA National Resp Plan Intro (FEMA IS-800b) 3 3
66801 FEMA Natl Resp Framework, an Intro FEMA IS-800.d 3 3
66802 FEMA Natl Mitig. Framework, intro (FEMA IS-2700) 3 3
66803 FEMA Natl Prot. Framework, Intro (FEMA IS-2600) 3 3
66804 FEMA Natl Prep. Goal & Sys Overview(FEMA IS-2000) 2 2
66820 FEMA Intro to NRF Support Annexes (FEMA IS-820) 1 1
66821 FEMA Critical Infra and Key Res Support (FEMA IS-8 1 1
66830 FEMA Intro NRF Incident Annexes(FEMA IS-830) 1 1
66836 FEMA Nuclear/Radiological Incident (FEMA IS-836) 1 1
66860 FEMA Nat Infrastructure Pro Plan (FEMA IS-860a) 2 2
66870 FEMA Dams Sector: Crisis Management (FEMA IS-870) 2 2
66871 FEMA Dams Sector Security Awareness (FEMA IS-871) 2 2
66872 FEMA Dams Sector-Prot Measure (FEMA IS-872) 2 2
66873 FEMA Preparedness for Child Care Prov IS-00036.a 2 2
66890 FEMA Intro Interagency Security Comm (FEMA IS-890) 1 1
66892 FEMA Phys. Security Fed. Facilities (FEMA IS-892) 2 2
66893 FEMA Fac Sec Lvl Deter Fed Fac (FEMA IS-891) 1 1
66901 FEMA Section 508 Awareness (FEMA IS-901) 3 3
66906 FEMA Workplace Security Aware(FEMA IS-906) 1 1
66907 FEMA Active Shooter (FEMA IS-907) 1 1
66908 FEMA Emer Mang Senior Offic (FEMA IS-908) 1 1
66909 FEMA Comm Prep SIM/ACT (FEMA IS-909) 1 1
66910 FEMA Emer Manage Prep Fundamentals (FEMA IS-910) 3 3
66914 FEMA Surveillance Awareness (FEMA-IS-914) 1 1
66915 FEMA Protect Critical Infrastructure (FEMA-IS 915) 1 1
66916 FEMA Critical Infrastructure Security (FEMA IS-916 1 2
66920 FEMA Perf. Manage. Prog. (FEMA IS-920) 1 1
66921 FEMA Implement Critical Infra Prot. Prog 3 3
66922 FEMA Apps of GIS/ Emer Manage (FEMA IS-922) 3 3
66923 FEMA Perf. Manage Goal Writing (FEMA IS-923) 1 1
66930 FEMA Integrated Emergency Management (FEMA IS-930) 32 32
66931 FEMA Pri Scrn/Prsnl Radn Detr PRD(FEMA PER-243) 7 7
66932 FEMA Intro to Interagency Sec Comm (IS-1170) 1 1
66933 FEMA Intro to Incident Command Sys(FEMA IS-00100.c 2 4
66950 NIMS ICS ALL HAZARDS (E950/L950) 30 40
66951 NIMS ICS All-Hazards ICS TtT (EMI-951) 35 35
66958 NIMS ICS All-Hazards PSC OSC (FEMA E/L 958) 32 40
66963 FEMA NIMS ICS All-Haz Plan Chief TtT (FEMA E-0963) 28 28
66964 FEMA Basic Emer Oper Ctr Functions IS-2200 4 4
66965 NIMS ICS All Haz Resources Unit Lead (E/L-965) 20 28
66967 NIMS Logistic Section Chief (L967) 40 40
67001 FEMA CBRNE LE Protective Measures TtT 8 16
67002 FEMA CBRNE LE Response Actions 8 8
67003 FEMA CBRNE Intermediate Hands-on 8 8
67004 FEMA CBRNE HazMat Tech 40 40
67005 FEMA CBRNE HOT Train for CBRNE Incidents PER-262 16 16
67009 FEMA Facility Security Committees (FEMA IS-01174) 2 2
67011 FEMA Response Consid During Outbreak/Pandemic 1 1
67012 FEMA Intro to Emer Mgmt for Higher Ed - IS 00363 3 3
67013 FEMA-Intro to Seepage and Internal Erosion 5 5
67014 FEMA-Internal Erosion and Seepage Conditions 5 5
67201 IRS-Financial Information Sources 1 8
68101 Information Collection on Patrol (MIPT) 2 3
69117 NCBRT Preparing Communities for Agroterrorism 4 4
69118 NCBRT Awareness and Response to Biological Events 2 2
69119 NCBRT Shopping Center Security Terrorism Awareness 5 5
69122 NCBRT Prevention and Deterrence of Terrorist Acts 1 20
69170 NCBRT Active Threat Integrated Response 24 24
69171 NCBRT Active Threat Integrated Response TTT 8 8
69190 NCBRT Foundational Awareness of Weapons of Mass De 1 1
69192 NCBRT Effects of Mass Destruction/Terrorism Incide 1 1
69193 NCBR Effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction/Terror 1 1
69194 NCBRT Effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction/Terro 1 1
69195 CCBRT Disaster Mental Health Considerations During 1 1
69197 NCBRT ECORE Disaster Life Support 4 4
69198 NCBRT Integrated Response to CBRNE Incident 1 20
69199 NCBRT Crit Decision Making Complex Coor Attacks 16 16
72776 PoliceOne-Ethics in Law Enforcement 1 1
77001 Animal Control Procedures [FLETC DE] 1 3
77002 Civil Complaint Procedures FLETC DE 4 4
77003 Community Policing FLETC DE 3 3
77004 Crime Scene Procedures FLETC DE 3 3
77005 Criminal Justice System Components FLETC DE 4 4
77006 High Risk Felony Stops FLETC DE 3 3
77009 Overview of Local, State & Fed Agencies FLETC DE 3 3
77010 Patrol Preparation Procedures FLETC DE 2 2
77011 Professionalism and Ethics FLETC DE 3 3
77012 Public Safety Liability FLETC DE 2 2
77013 Roadblock Procedures & Considerations FLETC DE 2 2
77015 Traffic Control Procedures FLETC DE 3 3
77016 Vehicle Searches FLETC DE 2 2
77017 Vehicle Stop Procedures FLETC DE 2 2
77018 Federal Investigator (FLETC) 100 500
77020 Money Laundering Assett Forfeiture FLETC 40 40
77021 Suspicious Activity Reporting Training FLETC 5 5
77022 Basic Tactics Instructor Training Program (FLETC) 1 84
77023 Civil Rights - Color of Law Training 1 8
77089 Vehicle Paper Plate Fraud 2 2
77090 OSS - How Adults Learn, Instructor Update 2 2
77091 OSS - Service Animals & ADA Compliance 2 2
77092 OSS - Dutty to Intervene, Officer Obligations 3 3
77093 OSS Incident Command Sys Intro-NOT ICS100a 2 2
77094 OSS Counterintelligence, Counterterrorism, & Your 6 6
77095 OSS - Verbal Intervention & De-escalation 4 4
77096 OSS Coordinated Community Response (CCR) 6 6
77097 OSS Fusion Ctr Intelligence Led Policing 1 1
77098 OSS-How to Lose Your Life 2 2
77099 OSS Swipe & Swap 16 16
77100 OSS - Active Shooter Response 1 1
77101 OSS - Basic Firearms Safety 1 1
77102 OSS - Communicator & Dispatch Basics 1 1
77103 OSS - Constitutional & Other Warnings 1 1
77104 OSS - Courtroom Testimony 1 1
77105 OSS - Crime Scene Management 1 1
77106 OSS - Domestic Violence Response 1 1
77107 OSS - Ethics for Law Enforcement 1 1
77108 OSS - Evidence Collection, Control & Storage 1 1
77109 OSS - Immigration Enforcement 1 1
77110 OSS - Intoxicated Driver Management 1 1
77111 OSS - Law Enforcement Liability 1 1
77112 OSS - Less Lethal Techniques 1 1
77113 OSS - Mentally Ill Response 1 1
77114 OSS - Police Dogs 1 1
77115 OSS - Positional Asphyxia, ExD, & Restraints 1 1
77116 OSS - Prosecutors and & Exculpatory Data 1 1
77117 OSS - Racial & Bias Profiling 1 1
77118 OSS - Secondary Employment & Off-Duty Powers 1 1
77119 OSS - Vehicle (Traffic) Stops 1 1
77120 OSS - Vehicle Patrol & Accident Prevention 1 1
77121 OSS - Vehicle Pursuits 1 1
77122 OSS - Vehicle Searches 1 1
77123 OSS - Workplace & Sexual Harassment 1 1
77124 OSS - An Overvew of Mentl Ilnes for Cor. Staff 2 2
77125 OSS - Asesmnt of Tretmnt of Crim. Offenders w/ID 2 2
77126 OSS - Civil Liability & the Disciplinary Process 3 3
77127 OSS - Conducting Effective Cell Searches 2 2
77128 OSS - Contraband Detection 2 2
77129 OSS - Co-Occurring Disorders: An Overview 2 2
77130 OSS - Cultural Awareness in Corrections 2 2
77131 OSS - Disciplining Ofndrs: Enforcng Ruls & Regs 2 2
77132 OSS - Discrmnation & Sexul Harasmnt in Corr. Fac 2 2
77133 OSS - Efectiv Intrprsonl Communication for Corr. 3 3
77134 OSS - Emrgncy Prepardnes in the Corections Setng 1 1
77135 OSS - Ethicl Behavior in Corectns: Bst Practices 3 3
77136 OSS - Ethicl Standrds for Corections Suprvisrs 2 2
77137 OSS - Femle Ofendrs: Violnce, Trauma & Suprvisn 1 1
77138 OSS - Fire Safety in Corrections 2 2
77139 OSS - First Aid in Corrections 6 6
77140 OSS - Interpreting Gang Tattoos 2 2
77141 OSS - Legal Issues & Women Offenders 3 3
77142 OSS - Legal Issues Part 1: The U.S. Legal System 2 2
77143 OSS - Legal Issues Part 2: Offender Lawsuits 2 2
77144 OSS - Legl Issus Prt 3: US Criminl Justice Systm 4 4
77145 OSS - Legl Issues Prt 4: The Civl Justce Proces 3 3
77146 OSS - Maintaining Security Part 1 2 2
77147 OSS - Maintaining Security Part 2 3 3
77148 OSS - Mnagng Adult & Juvnile Off. w Chronic Ill. 2 2
77149 OSS - Mnagng Inmates & Juv. Who Rqr Acom. for Dis 2 2
77150 OSS - Managing Offender Resistance 2 2
77151 OSS - Mothers in Correctional Facilities 2 2
77152 OSS - Motvationl Intrviewng for Corr. Profesional 3 3
77153 OSS - Ofndr Rights Prt 1: Med & Mentl Health Care 1 1
77154 OSS - Ofndr Rights Prt 2: Conditns of Confinemnt 3 3
77155 OSS - Ofndr Rights Prt 3: Use of Frce & Du Proces 1 1
77156 OSS - Ofndr Rights Prt 4: Relign, Communication 1 1
77157 OSS - Ofndr Rights Prt 5: Acces to the Legl Systm 1 1
77158 OSS - Ovrvew of Suicide Prev for Corr. Prof. 4 4
77159 OSS - PREA: Sex. Abus: Dynamcs, Detctn & Reprtg 2 2
77160 OSS - PREA: What It Means for You & Your Agency 2 2
77161 OSS - Professional Ethics in Corrections 3 3
77162 OSS - Receivng Screening for Corections Oficers 1 1
77163 OSS - Report Writing for Correctional Officers 3 3
77164 OSS - Safe Management of LGBTI Individuals 2 2
77165 OSS - Securty & Off. Mgt: Suprvisg Off. in Progs. 2 2
77166 OSS - Securty & Off. Mgmt: Preventing Escapes 3 3
77167 OSS - Securty & Off. Mgmt: Escort & Transp. 2 2
77168 OSS - Securty & Off. Mgmt: Prevnt/Respond to Emer 3 3
77169 OSS - Securty & Off. Mgmt: Using Force 2 2
77170 OSS - Securty Thret Grup Mgmt in Detntion 4 4
77171 OSS - Sex. Harasmnt in the Corectionl Setng 2 2
77172 OSS - Strateges for Reducng Suicide in Jails 2 2
77173 OSS - Suicide in Jails & Prisons Part 1: Myths 1 1
77174 OSS - Suicide in Jails & Prisns Prt 2: Prevntion 3 3
77175 OSS - Suicide in Jails & Prisns Prt 3: Idntifyng 3 3
77176 OSS - Suicide in Jails & Prisons Part 4: Managing 3 3
77177 OSS - Suicide in Jails & Prisns Prt 5: Rspondng 3 3
77178 OSS - Suprvisng Ofndrs in Crisis 3 3
77179 OSS - Supervising Offenders in Segregation Units 3 3
77180 OSS - Supervising Offenders with Mental Illness 1 1
77181 OSS - Suprvisng Ofndrs: Nonvrbl Comm. Skils 2 2
77182 OSS - Suprvisng Ofndrs: Staf Roles & Comunication 3 3
77183 OSS - Suprvisng Ofndrs: Verbl Comunication Skils 2 2
77184 OSS - The Foundatns & Fundem. of Gangs & Mmbrshp 5 5
77185 OSS - Undrstandng Adictn: Ovrview for Corr. Prof 2 2
77186 OSS - Undrstandng MH Treatmnt in the Corr. Setng 2 2
77187 OSS - Understanding Women Offenders 3 3
77188 OSS - Women Offenders & Mental Health Issues 1 1
77189 OSS - Womn Ofendrs & the Corectionl Envirnmnt 2 2
77190 OSS - Wrkng with Incarc. Prsns: Bst Pract. in Tx 1 1
77191 OSS - Working with Incarcerated Persons: Overview 1 1
77192 OSS - Use of Force and Deadly Force 1 1
77193 OSS - Elder Fraud Investigations in Texas 2 2
77194 OSS - Defensive & Distracted Driving for Law Enfor 2 2
77195 OSS - Cultural Challenges for Law Enforcement 2 2
77196 OSS - Cultural Challenges Among Genders 1 1
77197 OSS - Cultural Challenges Among Generations 1 1
77198 OSS - Cultural Challenges in the Workplace 1 1
77199 OSS - Aerosol Subject Restraint 1 1
77200 OSS - Bomb Threat Response 1 1
77201 OSS - Child Abuse Investigations 1 1
77202 OSS - Electronic Control Device ? Basics 1 1
77203 OSS - Gangs - An Introduction 1 1
77204 OSS - Internal Affairs Investigations 1 1
77205 OSS - News Media and the Police 1 1
77206 OSS - Rifle on Patrol Tactics 1 1
77207 OSS - Roadblocks and Checkpoints 1 1
77208 OSS - Robbery Response for Banks 1 1
77209 OSS - School Resource and Security Officer 1 1
77210 OSS - Sexual Assault Investigations 1 1
77211 OSS - Shotgun on Patrol Tactics 1 1
77212 OSS - Arrest Procedures 1 1
77213 OSS - Automobile Theft Investigations 2 2
77214 OSS - Delirious and Drug Induced Subject Responce 1 1
77215 OSS - Demonstration and Crowd Management 1 1
77216 OSS - Drugs of Abuse Investigations 1 1
77217 OSS - Family Violence Response 1 1
77218 OSS - Field Sobriety Testing 1 1
77219 OSS - Foot Pursuits 1 1
77220 OSS - Hate & Bias Crimes 1 1
77221 OSS - Homicide Investigations 1 1
77222 OSS - Inmate Accountability: Conducting Counts 1 1
77223 OSS - Knife Tactics and Safety 1 1
77224 OSS - Lineups and Eyewitness Identification 2 2
77225 OSS - Officer - Involved Shooting Survival 1 1
77226 OSS - Pistol on Patrol Tactics 1 1
77227 OSS - Search Warrant Execution 1 1
77228 OSS - Sexual Offender Investigations 1 1
77229 OSS - Social Media for Law Enforcement 1 1
77230 OSS - Suicide Bomber Response 1 1
77231 OSS - Civil Disturbance & Riot Control 8 8
77232 OSS - Community Policing & Problem Solving 1 1
77233 OSS - Crime Analysis 1 1
77234 OSS - Criminal Intelligence 1 1
77235 OSS - Criminal Investigations 2 2
77236 OSS - Exigent Circumstances 1 2
77237 OSS - Freedom of Speech Enforcement 1 1
77238 OSS - Honest Officers & Brady v. Maryland 1 1
77239 OSS - Hostage & Barricaded Suspects 1 1
77240 OSS - Human Remains Identification 1 1
77241 OSS - Intelligence-Led Policing 1 1
77242 OSS - Investigative Detention 2 2
77243 OSS - Juvenile Interview & Interrogation 1 1
77244 OSS - Juveniles in Custody 1 1
77245 OSS - Leadership in Law Enforcement 1 1
77246 OSS - National Law Enforcement Telecommunications 1 1
77247 OSS - Police Access to Private Property 1 1
77248 OSS - Prisoner Transport 2 2
77249 OSS - Rapid Response & Deployment 1 1
77250 OSS - Recording Police Actions 1 1
77251 OSS - Report Writing - A Fresh Look 1 1
77252 OSS - Stakeout Operations 2 2
77253 OSS - Statement Analysis Forensics 1 1
77254 OSS - Street Level Interviewing 1 1
77255 OSS - Officer Response to Victim-Precipitated Suic 2 2
77256 OSS - Suicide Prevention in Police Lockups 2 2
77257 OSS - Witness Credibility 1 1
77258 OSS - Ebola & Other Infectious Diseases 1 4
77259 OSS - Negotiator Tactics 1 6
77260 OSS - SWAT Management 1 7
77261 OSS - Body-Worn Cameras 2 2
77262 OSS - Self-Aid & Buddy (SABA) Basic 2 2
77263 OSS - De-Escalation of Force 4 4
77264 OSS - Evading Honesty 8 8
77265 OSS - Surveilance Operations 1 1
77266 OSS - Smugglers, Inc. 16 16
77267 OSS - NAPPI Toatal Verbal Deescalation 13 13
77268 OSS - NAPPI Community Safety 4 4
77269 OSS - Naloxone: What You Need to Know 1 1
77270 OSS - Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) 2 2
77271 OSS - NAPPI Self-Protection Skills 5 5
77272 OSS - Civil Issues Facing Street Officers 1 3
77273 OSS - TABC Enforcement for County & City Officers 1 3
77274 PoliceOne-Anti-Harassment in the Workplace 1 1
77275 PoliceOne-Prot. from Ransomeware & Pfishing Attack 1 1
77276 PolieOne-Ethics in Law Enf. 1 1
77277 PoliceOne-Interviews & Interrogations 1 1
77278 PoliceOne-Handling Robbery Calls 1 1
77279 PolieOne-Gen Differences for Law Enf 1 1
77280 PoliceOne-Active Shooter Prep & Response for Schoo 1 1
77281 PoliceOne-Reducing Graffiti in Your Community 1 1
77282 PoliceOne-Airborne & Bloodborne Pathogens 1 1
77283 PoliceOne-Driving While Distracted 2 2
77284 PoliceOne-Vehicle Safety 1 1
77285 PoliceOne-Defensive Driving Principles 1 1
77286 PoliceOne- Driving Techniques 1 1
77287 PoliceOne-Pursuit Driving Basics 1 1
77288 PoliceOne-Professional Police Driving 1 1
77289 PoliceOne-Cryptocurrency Inv 105:Blockchain Forens 1 1
77290 PoliceOne-Cryptocurrency Inv 104:The Dark Web 2 2
77291 PoliceOne-Cryptocurrency Inv. 102: Bitcoin 2 2
77292 PoliceOne-Cryptocurrenct Inv. 103: Criminal Elemen 2 2
77293 PoliceOne-Body Armor & Changing Landscape of Pub. 1 1
77294 PoliceOne-Safety First: A refresher in Fac. Sec. 1 1
77295 PoliceOne-K-9 Operations 1 1
77296 PoliceOne-Intro to Probation 1 1
77297 PoliceOne-ADA Compliance in Business 1 1
77298 PoliceOne-Using Social Media for Investigations 2 2
77299 PoliceOne-Arrest, Search, & Seizure (4th Amendment 2 2
77300 PoliceOne- Active Shooter: Phases & Prevention 1 1
77301 PoliceOne- Active Shooter 1 1 1
77302 PoliceOne- Active Shooter: Recognition & Response 1 1
77303 PoliceOne- Ambush Awareness & Preparation 1 1
77304 PoliceOne- Communication Skills 1 1 1
77305 PoliceOne- Communication Skills 2 1 1
77306 PoliceOne- Communication Skills 3 1 1
77307 PoliceOne- Corrections 1 1 1
77308 PoliceOne- Corrections 2 1 1
77309 PoliceOne- Corrections 3 1 1
77310 PoliceOne- Crowd Control 1 1 1
77311 PoliceOne- Crowd Control 2 1 1
77312 PoliceOne- Crowd Control 3 1 1
77313 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 1 1 1
77314 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 2 1 1
77315 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 3 1 1
77316 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 4 1 1
77317 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 5 1 1
77318 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 6 1 1
77319 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 7 1 1
77320 PoliceOne- Dispatch Communications 1 1 1
77321 PoliceOne- Edged Weapons 1 1 1
77323 PoliceOne- Equipment Training 1 1 1
77324 PoliceOne- Firearms Tactics 1 1
77325 PoliceOne- Firearms 1 1 1
77326 PoliceOne- Firearms 2 1 1
77327 PoliceOne- Firearms 3 1 1
77328 PoliceOne- Firearms 4 1 1
77329 PoliceOne- Fitness & Nutrition 1 1 1
77330 PoliceOne- Fitness & Nutrition 2 1 1
77331 PoliceOne- Fitness & Nutrition 3 1 1
77332 PoliceOne- Fitness & Nutrition 4 1 1
77333 PoliceOne- Fitness & Nutrition 5 1 1
77334 PoliceOne- Gangs 1 1 1
77335 PoliceOne- Internet / Technology In LE: 1 1 1
77336 PoliceOne- Leadership 1 1 1
77337 PoliceOne- Leadership 2 1 1
77338 PoliceOne- Leadership 3 1 1
77339 PoliceOne- Leadership 4 1 1
77340 PoliceOne- Legal 1 1 1
77341 PoliceOne- Narcotics Enforcement 1 1 1
77342 PoliceOne- Off-Duty, Safe & Ready 1 1
77343 PoliceOne- Officer Survival 1 1 1
77344 PoliceOne- Overcome Resistance - Mental Prep 1 1
77345 PoliceOne- Patrol 1 1 1
77346 PoliceOne- Patrol 2 1 1
77347 PoliceOne- Prep. Response / Challenging Situations 1 1
77348 PoliceOne- Pursuit Driving 1 1
77349 PoliceOne- Real-Life Video Training 1 1 1
77350 PoliceOne- Report Writing 1 1 1
77351 PoliceOne- Report Writing 2 1 1
77352 PoliceOne- Responding to Emergencies 1 1 1
77353 PoliceOne- Subject Control 1 1 1
77354 PoliceOne- Subject Control 2 1 1
77355 PoliceOne- Tactical Operations 1 1 1
77356 PoliceOne- Tactical Patrol Considerations 1 1
77357 PoliceOne- Terrorism 1 1 1
77358 PoliceOne- Terrorism 2 1 1
77359 PoliceOne- Traffic Stops & Safety 1 1 1
77360 PoliceOne- Traffic Stops & Safety 2 1 1
77361 PoliceOne- TurboGrants LE Grant Writing Course 1 1
77362 PoliceOne- Understanding Excited Delirium Calls 1 1
77364 PoliceOne- Will to Win 1 1 1
77365 PoliceOne- Will to Win 2 1 1
77366 PoliceOne- Will to Win 3 1 1
77367 PoliceOne- Will to Win 4 1 1
77368 PoliceOne- Active Shooter 2 1 1
77369 PoliceOne- Active Shooter 3 1 1
77370 PoliceOne- Communication Skill 4 1 1
77371 PoliceOne- Corrections 4 1 1
77372 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 8 1 1
77373 PoliceOne- Firearms 5 1 1
77374 PoliceOne- Investigative Skills 1 1 1
77375 PoliceOne- Leadership 5 1 1
77376 PoliceOne- Legal 2 1 1
77377 PoliceOne- Patrol 3 1 1
77378 PoliceOne- Patrol 4 1 1
77379 PoliceOne- Terrorism 3 1 1
77380 PoliceOne- Racial Profiling Part 1 1 1
77381 PoliceOne- Racial Profiling Part 2:Data Collection 2 2
77382 PoliceOne- Court Tactics and Techniques 1 1
77402 PoliceOne- LEO Incidents Encounters With Canines 2 2
77403 PoliceOne- LEO Interactions With Canines 1 1
77404 PoliceOne- Best Practices in Dangerous Canine Enco 1 1
77405 PoliceOne- Pursuit Driving Fundamentals 2 2
77406 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics Block 9 1 1
77407 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics Block 10 1 1
77408 PoliceOne- Gangs Block 2 1 1
77409 PoliceOne- Gangs Block 3 1 1
77410 PoliceOne- Leadership Block 6 1 1
77411 PoliceOne- Narcotics Enforcement Block 2 1 1
77412 PoliceOne- Officer Survival Block 2 1 1
77413 PoliceOne- Subject Control Block 3 1 1
77414 PoliceOne- Traffic Stops 3 1 1
77415 PoliceOne- Will to Win 5 1 1
77416 PoliceOne- Will to Win 6 1 1
77417 PoliceOne- Off-Duty Safety Block 1 1 1
77418 PoliceOne- Dispatch: Active Shooter 2 2
77419 PoliceOne- Dispatch: Bomb Threats 1 1
77420 PoliceOne- Dispatch: Chemical Suicides 1 1
77421 PoliceOne- Dispatch: Missing Pesons/Sexual Exploit 2 2
77422 PoliceOne- Dispatch: Sovereign Citizens / Domestic 1 1
77423 PoliceOne- Dispatch: Stress Management 1 1
77424 PoliceOne- Dispatch: Legal Liability 1 1
77425 PoliceOne- Dispatch: Ethics 1 1
77426 PoliceOne- OnStar Public Safety 1 1
77427 PoliceOne- Sexual Harassment Training - Awareness 1 1
77428 PoliceOne- What is Domestic Violence? Defining Dom 2 2
77429 PoliceOne- Missing Persons with Alzheimer's 1 1
77430 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 11 1 1
77431 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 12 1 1
77432 PoliceOne- Environmental Crimes 1 1 1
77433 PoliceOne- Responding to Emergencies 2 1 1
77434 PoliceOne- Crowd Control 4 1 1
77435 PoliceOne- Officer Safety in Domestic Violence Res 1 2
77436 PoliceOne- Cultural Awareness 1 1 1
77437 PoliceOne- Cultural Awareness 2 1 1
77438 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 13 1 1
77439 PoliceOne- Emotional and Psychological Disorders 1 1
77440 PoliceOne- Firearms 6 1 1
77441 PoliceOne- Investigative Skills 2 1 1
77442 PoliceOne- Officer Survival 3 1 1
77443 PoliceOne- Subject Control 4 1 1
77444 PoliceOne- Tactical Operations 2 1 1
77445 PoliceOne- Traffic Stops and Safety Block 4 1 1
77446 PoliceOne- Edged Weapons 2 1 1
77447 PoliceOne- Distracted Driver: Understanding the Di 2 2
77448 PoliceOne- What Is Domestic Violence: Defining Dom 2 2
77449 PoliceOne- Procedural Justice 2 2
77450 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 14 1 1
77451 PoliceOne- Officer Survival 4 1 1
77452 PoliceOne- Body-Worn Camera For Administrators 1 2
77453 PoliceOne- Police Officer Anti-Bias Training 1 1
77454 PoliceOne- De-escalation and Minimizing Use of For 2 4
77456 PoliceOne- Community Policing Strategies 1 1
77457 PoliceOne- Officer Liability 2 2
77458 PoliceOne- LGBTI Issues 1 1
77459 PoliceOne- Defensive Tactics 15 1 1
77460 PoliceOne- Leadership 7 1 1
77461 PoliceOne- Leadership 8 1 1
77462 PoliceOne- Active Shooter 4 1 1
77463 PoliceOne- Traffic Stops and Safety 5 1 1
77464 PoliceOne- Officer Survival 5 1 1
77465 PoliceOne- Legal 3 1 1
77466 PoliceOne- Constitutional Policing 2 2
77467 PoliceOne- Sudden Unexplained Infant Death 5 5
77468 PoliceOne- Bomb Threats in Schools 1 1
77469 PoliceOne- Current Drug Trends 2 2
77470 PoliceOne- First Responder Traffic Incident Manage 2 2
77471 PoliceOne- Law EnforcementResponce to Active Shoot 2 2
77472 PoliceOne- Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) 2 2
77473 PoliceOne- Preventing and Addressing Bullying and 1 1
77475 PoliceOne- Civil Rights 4 4
77476 PoliceOne- Juvenile Justice 1 1
77477 PoliceOne- Traffic Incident Management - Quick Cle 1 1
77478 PoliceOne- Violence in the Workplace 1 1
77479 PoliceOne- Suicide Prevention in Law Enforcement 1 1
77480 PoliceOne- Using Social Media for Investigations 1 1
77481 PoliceOne- Dispatcher-TTY Calls 1 1
77482 PoliceOne- Problem Oriented Policing 4 4
77483 PoliceOne- Suspects in Medical Distress 1 1
77484 PoliceOne- Back Injuries 1 1
77485 PoliceOne- Bloodborne Pathogens for First Responde 1 1
77486 PoliceOne- Highway Incident Safety Guidelines for 2 2
77487 PoliceOne- Ladder Safety 101 1 1
77488 PoliceOne- Ladder Safety 201 1 1
77489 PoliceOne- Personal Protective Equipment 101 1 1
77490 PoliceOne- Personal Protective Equipment 102 1 1
77491 PoliceOne- Sexual Harassment for Managers 2 2
77492 PoliceOne- Supervisor Skills 101 1 1
77493 PoliceOne- Supervisor Skills 201 1 1
77494 PoliceOne- Workplace Bullying 1 1
77495 PoliceOne- Ethical Behavior for Corrections Office 2 2
77496 PoliceOne- Contraband Control 1 1
77497 PoliceOne- Corrections Liability 1 1
77498 PoliceOne- Booking and Admissions 1 1
77499 PoliceOne- Drug Withdrawal in Jail 2 2
77500 PoliceOne- Dealing With Stress 1 1
77501 PoliceOne- Female Offenders and Related Issues 2 2
77502 PoliceOne- Inmate Correspondence 1 1
77503 PoliceOne- Inmate Employment 1 1
77504 PoliceOne- Jail Release Procedures 1 1
77505 PoliceOne- Inmate Record Keeping 1 1
77506 PoliceOne- Suicide Prevention in Jails 1 1
77507 PoliceOne- Crisis Intervention Training Overview 1 1
77508 PoliceOne- Implicit Bias 1 1
77509 PoliceOne- Campus Policing 1 1
77510 PoliceOne- Children and Law Enforcement 1 1
77511 PoliceOne- Controlling the Situation 1 1
77512 PoliceOne- Dealing with Armed Suspects 1 1
77513 PoliceOne- Expect the Unexpected 1 1 1
77514 PoliceOne- Expect the Unexpected 2 1 1
77515 PoliceOne- Law Enforcement and the Family Dynamic 1 1
77516 PoliceOne- Leadership in Law Enforcement 1 1
77517 PoliceOne- Officer Safety 1 1
77518 PoliceOne- Officer Well-Being 1 1
77519 PoliceOne- Importance of Communication in Law Enfo 1 1
77520 PoliceOne- Traffic Stops and Officer Safety 1 1
77521 PoliceOne- Use of Force Situations 1 1
77522 PoliceOne- Alcohol Abuse Emergencies in Jails/Pris 2 2
77523 PoliceOne- Basic Jail Security Principles 1 1
77524 PoliceOne- Bloodborne Pathogens 1 1
77525 PoliceOne- Classification of Inmates 1 1
77526 PoliceOne- Disciplinary Procedures in a Correction 1 1
77527 PoliceOne- Escorting Inmates 1 1
77528 PoliceOne- Fire Prevention and Response Plan for J 1 1
77529 PoliceOne- Handling Medical Emergencies 1 1
77530 PoliceOne- Holds and Restraints 2 2
77531 PoliceOne- Jail Risk Management 1 1
77532 PoliceOne- Juvenile Corrections 1 1
77533 PoliceOne- Manag. Empl. Rcrds. in Correctional Fac 1 1
77534 PoliceOne- Mental Health in Jails 1 1
77535 PoliceOne- MRSA in Correctional Facilities 1 1
77536 PoliceOne- Nutritional Standards for Correctional 1 1
77537 PoliceOne- Patrol Procedures in Correctional Facil 1 1
77538 PoliceOne- Riot Response for Corrections 1 1
77539 PoliceOne- Supervising Inmates 1 1
77540 PoliceOne- Supervision of Inmates in Dining Areas 1 1
77541 PoliceOne- Understanding Hostage Incidents 1 1
77542 PoliceOne- Use Of Force in Corrections 1 1
77543 PoliceOne- Using Straight Armbar to Maintain Subje 1 1
77544 PoliceOne- Written Communication and Report Writin 1 1
77545 PoliceOne- MedicAlert: Community Policing Support 1 1
77546 PoliceOne- Opioid Crisis: Protecting Our First Res 1 1
77547 PoliceOne- CIT for Correctional Facilities 1 1
77548 PoliceOne- HIPAA for First Responders 1 1
77549 PoliceOne- Interacting w/Mentally Ill as a First R 1 1
77550 PoliceOne- Mass Casualty, Natural Disaster Standar 1 1
77551 PoliceOne- PREA Prison Rape Elimination Act 1 1
77552 PoliceOne- Intro to ICS for Police Officers 1 1
77553 PoliceOne- Officer Wellness & Mental Health Awaren 2 2
77554 PoliceOne- Protecting Transportation Systems 1 1
77555 PoliceOne- Yoga for First Responders 1 1
77556 PoliceOne-RspsAtRisk:Prot First Rsp frm Opioid Exp 1 1
77557 PoliceOne-Law Enforcement Encounter with Canines 2 2
77558 PoliceOne-Rec and Responding to Domestic Violence 2 2
77559 PoliceOne-The LGBTQ Community 1 1
77560 PoliceOne-Bldng Financial Strength First Rspdr Fam 2 2
77561 PoliceOne- Cyberstalking 1 1
77562 PoliceOne- Cultural Awareness and Diversity Overvi 1 1
77563 PoliceOne- Maintaining Boundaries for Corrections 1 1
77564 PoliceOne- Managing Special Inmate Populations 1 1
77565 PoliceOne- Law Enforcement Stress Indicators 1 1
77566 PoliceOne- Law Enforcement Intelligence 4 4
77567 PoliceOne- Use of Less Lethal Force 1 1
77568 PoliceOne-Cryptocurrency Inv 101: Intro 1 1
77998 AWR401 THIRA/SPR online 9 9
77999 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills Phase II 24 24
78000 AWR111 Internet-EMS I: Basic Concepts for WMD Inc 3 4
78001 AWR160 Terrorism Awareness for Emergency First Res 4 8
78002 AWR138 Network Assurance (online) 5 5
78003 AWR139 Digital Forensics Basics (online) 5 10
78004 AWR168 Cyber Law and White Collar Crime (online) 10 10
78005 AWR169 Cyber Incident Analysis and Report (online) 9 10
78006 AWR173 Information Security Basics (online) 13 13
78007 AWR174 Cyber Ethics (online) 13 13
78008 AWR175 Information Security for Everyone (online) 10 10
78009 AWR176 Business Information Continuity (online) 10 10
78010 AWR177 Information Risk Management (online) 13 13
78011 AWR178 Secure Software (online) 5 10
78012 MGT310 Threat & Risk Assessment 16 16
78013 MGT315 Enhanced Threat & Risk Assessment 16 16
78014 AWR213 Critical Infrastructure Key Resources Aware 8 8
78015 AIR540 TEEX Intermediate Collision Investigation 40 40
78016 AIR545 TEEX Advanced Collision Investigation 80 80
78017 AIR550 TEEX Collision Reconstruction 80 80
78018 AIR555 TEEX Pedestrian/Auto Reconstruction 40 40
78019 AIR565 TEEX Vehicle Damage & Energy Relationship ( 40 40
78020 LET520 TEEX Emergency Vehicle Operations 4 24
78021 LET515 TEEX Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructo 50 50
78022 LET210 Traffic Occupant Protection Strategies (onl 8 8
78023 TAA510 TEEX Traffic Accident Avoidance 8 8
78024 TAA512 TEEX Off-Road Vehicle Operations 8 24
78025 EOT220 TEEX Explosive Breacher 40 40
78026 UXO200 TEEX Unexploded Ordnance Technician Level I 200 200
78027 UXO203 TEEX Advanced Ordnance Recognition for Law 80 80
78028 EOT218 TEEX Improvised Explosive Device - Awarene 8 8
78029 EOT217 TEEX Improved Explosive Device - Intermedia 16 16
78030 EOT219 TEEX Ordnance Recognition and Awareness 8 8
78031 LET700 Personal Defense Spray Instructor 8 16
78032 LET705 TEEX Reality-Based Training Instructor 40 40
78033 LET573 TEEX Firearms Basics (Online) 2 2
78034 LET649 TEEX Defensive Tactics 40 40
78035 LET652 TEEX Defensive Tactics Instructor 40 40
78036 LET653 TEEX Intermediate Defensive Tactics 40 40
78037 LET654 TEEX Intermediate Defensive Tactics Instruc 24 40
78038 LET657 TEEX Advanced Defensive Tactics 24 24
78039 LET658 TEEX Advanced Defensive Tactics Instructor 24 40
78041 OGT304 TEEX Managing Critical Incidents for HE-Exe 4 4
78042 LET621 TEEX Def Tactics for Corrections Prsnl 24 24
78043 LET622 TEEX Def Tactics for Corrections Prsnl Inst 32 32
78044 LET641 TEEX Legal Issues for Use of Force Inst 1 2
78045 LET642 TEEX De-escalation 1 2
78046 LET648 TEEX AWARE: A Self-Defense System 16 24
78047 MGT385 TEEX Community Cybersecurity Exercise Plan 12 12
78048 AWR135 TEEX Promoting Community Cybersecurity 6 6
78049 TEEX Introduction to sUAS - Public Safety Course 24 40
78050 TEEX FSA250 Crime Scene PROC & Field Skills - Ph I 24 24
78051 FAS304.TEEX Fingerprint Processing on Diff Surface 1 1
78052 TEEX Active Attack Emer Communications 3 8
78053 SAP151 TEEX sUAS for Pub Safety Personnel 24 32
78054 MGT466 TEEX Sport & Special Event Enhanced Risk Mg 15 15
78055 MGT467 TEEX Sport & Special Event Public Info & Em 16 16
78056 SAP302 TEEX Crime Prev thru Enviro Design 24 40
78057 LET572 TEEX Firearms Off. Prof. Update 1 1
78058 TEEX TABC HT Awareness 8 12
78111 AWR Basic EMS Concepts CBRNE AWR-111-W 1 4
78136 AWR 136 Essentials of Community Cybersecurity 4 4
78148 AWR-148-W Crisis Management School based 8 8
78209 AWR209-W Dealing with Media-Rural First Responder 6 6
78232 AWR Mass Fatality Plan Rural Response 8 8
78300 MGT Field Froce Command and Training MGT 300 24 24
78314 AWR314 Mass Prophylaxis Awareness 3 3
78315 AWR-W Disaster Recovery for Information Systems 10 10
78335 MGT335-W Event Security Planning 16 16
78339 MGT339-W Resource Inventory Management 8 8
78384 MGT 384 EOC Role in Community Cybersecurity 12 12
78399 AWR167 - Sport Event Risk Management 14 16
78400 MGT414 - Advanced Critical Infrastructure Protecti 8 8
78401 MGT452 - Physical & Cybersecurity for Critical Inf 8 8
78402 MGT361- Managing Critical Incidents for Higher Edu 24 24
78403 MGT418 - Readiness: Training Identification & Prep 14 16
78405 MGT412 - Sport & Special Event Evacuation Training 14 15
78406 MGT310 JTHIRA 16 24
78407 MGT315 Critical Asset Risk Management 16 24
78408 AWR213 Critical Infrastructure Security 8 8
78409 DHS-BMAP-MGT 450 8 8
78410 DHS - BMAP - CL 9 9
78411 DHS IED Awareness & Security Procedures 1 1
78412 DHS HME & Precursor Awareness for Pub Safety 1 1
79000 OSS - Homeland Security 6 6
79001 OSS - Jail & Lockup Liability 6 6
79002 OSS - Cybersecurity & Malware Awareness for Empl. 1 1
79004 Coronavirus(COVID 19) & Infect. Disease Prev. 4 4
84080 VATX Survival Spanish 1 1
84081 VATX Terrorism in the Modern World 1 1
84082 VATX Dof Encounters for Law Enforcement 2 2
84083 VATX Mental Illness & Crisis 1 1
84085 VATX K-12 Active Shooter: Mindset to Win 1 1
84086 VATX: Building K-12 Options- Based Resp Prog 2 2
84087 VATX Role of the SRO 2 2
84088 VATX Investigating Family Violence 1 1
84089 VATX Investigating Sexual Assault 2 2
84090 VATX Investigating Sexual Offenders 1 1
84091 VATX School Vulnerability Assessment 3 3
84092 VATX Psychol Compl & De-escalation 1 1
84093 VATX Security Assess. for Places of Worship 1 1
84094 VATX Wellness & Resil. in 911 2 2
84095 VATX Implem. Text to 911 in PSAP 1 1
84096 VATX Behav. Science: Viol. Pred. & Control: A Prim 1 1
84098 VATX Fitness for First Responders; Yoga 3 3
84099 VATX BulletProof Mind for LE (2nd ed) 2 2
84997 VATX Interpersonal Commumication 1 1
84998 VATX Responding to an Active Violence Event 1 1
84999 VATX Autism Awareness for 911 tele. 1 1
85000 VATX Computer Applications 3 3
85001 VATX Critical Thinking & Time Management 1 1
85002 VATX Performance Management 1 1
85004 VATX The Value Gap 1 1
85005 VATX Workplace Harassment 2 2
85006 VATX Const. & Crim. Law Pro. 4th Amdt. 1 1
85007 VATX Const. & Crim. Law Pro. 6th Amdt. 1 1
85008 VATX Const Crim Law Pro Arr.Terry and Wrtless Srch 1 1
85009 VATX Const. & Crim. Law Pro. Intro 1 1
85010 VATX Const. & Crim. Law Pro. Miranda & the Intv 1 1
85011 VATX Const. & Crim. Law Pro. Srch Wrts. & Prob Ca 1 1
85012 VATX Const. & Crim. Law Pro. Suspect ID's 1 1
85013 VATX Const. & Crim. Law Pro. The Criminal Trial 1 1
85014 VATX Const. & Crim. Law Pro. Pretrial Process 1 1
85015 VATX Courtroom Demeanor and Testimony 3 3
85016 VATX Personal Cell and Area Searches 1 1
85017 VATX Professionalism and Ethics 1 1
85018 VATX Security Audits and Count Management 1 1
85019 VATX Segregation (Inmates) 1 1
85020 VATX Use of Force 1 1
85021 VATX Bloodborne Pathogens 1 1
85024 VATX Child Sex Abuse (3rd edition) 1 1
85025 VATX Child Sex Abuse (4th Edition) 1 1
85026 VATX Child Sex Abuse (5th Edition) 1 1
85027 VATX Community Policing in the 21st Century 2 2
85028 VATX Cult Competency: Rac Prof/Implicit Bias Pt 1 2 2
85029 VATX De-escalation Verbal Judo 4 4
85030 VATX Domestic Violence:Call Through Investigations 2 2
85032 VATX Emerg. Veh. Oper. EVOC 2nd Ed. 2 2
85033 VATX Executing Search Warrants 1 1
85034 VATX Firearms Training: AR-15 Rifle 1 1
85035 VATX Firearms Training: Beretta 92FS Series Pistol 1 1
85036 VATX Firearms Training: GLOCK Gen 3 Pistol 1 1
85037 VATX Firearms Training: Sig Sauer P225 Pistol 1 1
85038 VATX Firearms Training: Sig Sauer P228 M11 Pistol 1 1
85039 VATX Firearms Training: Smith & Wesson M&P9 Pistol 1 1
85041 VATX Mental Illness (1st edition) 2 2
85042 VATX Mental Illness (2nd edition) 1 1
85043 VATX Mental Illness (3rd edition) 2 2
85044 VATX Missing Children: Response and Investigation 4 4
85045 VATX Mission, Vision, and Core Values 1 1
85046 VATX Officer Involved Domestic Violence 1 1
85047 VATX On Combat: A Primer 1 1
85048 VATX On Killing (A Primer) 1 1
85049 VATX Police Health and Mental Wellness 2 2
85052 VATX Proper Restraints and Holds Techniques 2 2
85053 VATX Sovereign Citizens 2 2
85054 VATX Stress Management 3 3
85055 VATX The Bulletproof Mind for Law Enforcement 2 2
85056 VATX Writing Better Police Reports 1 1
85057 VATX Basic Photography Techniques 3 3
85058 VATX Cell Phone Tech & Forensic Data Recov 2nd ed. 4 4
85059 VATX Criminal Drug Interdiction 4 4
85060 VATX Death and Homicide Investigations 4 4
85061 VATX Fingerprint Identification & Preservation Met 3 3
85062 VATX Firearms Investigations Training 3 3
85063 VATX Internet Tools for Criminal Investigators 2nd 4 4
85064 VATX Investigating & Prosecuting Cyber Predators 4 4
85065 VATX IPv6, Cloud Computing, & Mobile Hotspots 4 4
85067 VATX Pack and Sub of Forensic Evidence- Natl ver 2 2
85068 VATX Practical Kinesic Interview & Interrogation 4 4
85069 VATX Practical Kinesic Interview & Interrogation P 4 4
85070 VATX Statement Analysis Interviewing Techniques 2 2
85071 VATX Advanced Internal Affairs Investigations 4 4
85072 VATX SWOT Analysis 1 1
85073 VATX Crime Mapping: Evidence Based Policing 3 3
85074 VATX Ethical Leadership 2 2
85075 VATX Field Training Programs: An Introduction 2 2
85076 VATX Field Training Programs: Correcting Poor Perf 2 2
85077 VATX Field Training Programs: Utilizing the DOR 2 2
85078 VATX Generational Differences in the Workplace 1 1
85079 VATX Introductory Internal Affairs Investigations 2 2
85080 VATX Leading by Example 3 3
85081 VATX Managing Personnel and Organizational Change 3 3
85082 VATX Maneuvering Successfully in the Political Env 2 2
85083 VATX Recruitment and Retention of Law Enforcement 3 3
85084 VATX Reducing Liability for the Smaller Agency 2 2
85085 VATX Strategic Planning 2 2
85086 VATX Team Building for Command Staff 1 1
85087 VATX Transitioning to Life After Public Service 5 5
85088 VATX US Const Connecting the dots to an Amer. purp 2 2
85089 VATX Using the DISC Diagnostic Tool 2 2
85090 VATX AMBER and Silver Alerts 2 2
85091 VATX Emergency Operations Planning for Schools 1 1
85092 VATX School Safety: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow 3 3
85093 VATX Six Senses of School Safety 3 3
85094 VATX The Root of Violence Part 1 2 2
85095 VATX The Root of Violence Part 2 2 2
85096 VATX The Root of Violence Part 3 2 2
85097 VATX Call Handling for the 911 Center 1 1
85098 VATX Counseling & Discipline for the Tele. Center 1 1
85099 VATX Stress Management for Telecommunicators 1 1
85100 VATX Supervision 101 for Telecommunications 1 1
85101 VATX Cult Competency: Rac Prof/Implicit Bias Pt 2 2 2
85102 VATX Communication/Intrinsic Bias 1 1
85103 VATX Ethical Issues for Law Enforcement 3 3
85104 VATX HR Practices for Telecommunications Center 1 1
85105 VATX Corrections and the Community 1 1
85106 VATX Justice on the Street:Use of Force/Racial Pro 1 1
85107 VATX Use of Force and Liability Issues 1 1
85108 VATX Violent Jihadist Radicalization: Toronto 18 3 3
85109 VATX ISIS and Social Media 1 1
85110 VATX Body-Worn Cam & Electronic Reading Considrati 1 1
85111 VATX Emerg. Veh. Oper. Course EVOC 3rd Ed. 2 2
85113 VATX Human Fatigue in 24/7 Operations 1 1
85114 VATX The Leadership Role in Public Service 2 2
85115 VATX Effectively Managing LGBTI Inmates 1 1
85116 VATX Inv. Tech. for Social Media pt 1 2 2
85117 VATX Inv. Tech. for Social Media pt 2 2 2
85118 VATX Inv. Tech. for Social Media pt 3 2 2
85119 VATX Basic Computer Skills 2 2
85120 VATX Fentanyl, Opioids, & Naloxone (Narcan) Use 1 1
85121 VATX Intro to Cyber Security 4 4
85122 VATX Autism Awareness for First Responders 1 1
85123 VATX Personnel Issues 1 1
85124 VATX Servant Leadership in the PSAP 1 1
85125 Verbal Judo for the Telecommunicator 1 1
85126 VATX-Child Sexual Abuse - 6th Edition 1 1
85127 VATX-Introduction to Use of Force 1 1
85128 VATX-Officer-Involved Shootings- Mental Wellness a 1 1
85129 VATX-Responding to a Scene 1 1
85130 VATX Courtroom Security 1 1
85131 VATX Components of Child Abuse Investigations 3 3
85132 VATX Indicators of Child Abuse 3 3
85133 VATX Investigative Strategies for Child Abuse Case 3 3
85134 VATX De-escalation for Telecommunicators 1 1
85135 VATX Quality Assur & Improv in the PSAP 1 1
85136 VATX Intro to Racial Profiling 1 1
85137 VATX Racial Profiling & Drug Interdiction 1 1
85138 VATX Racial Profiling for Traffic Stops & Field Co 1 1
85139 VATX Eff Comm for Telecommunicators 2 2
85140 VATX Eff Comm for Law Enforcement 2 2
85141 VATX Close COntact Edged Weapon Def 2 2
85142 VATX MACTAC Active Shooter Resp. 2 2
88001 RITE Academy - Six Lessons to Racial Intelligence 8 8
88002 RITE Academy - Racial Intelligence Instructor 16 16
91209 EPCSO Basic County Corrections Course 120 120
102100 APCO Active Shooter Inc for Pub SafetyTele 2nd ed 8 8
102101 APCO Pub Safety Tele 1, 7th ed 40 40
102102 APCO Bullying & Neg in Comm Ctr, 2nd ed 8 8
102103 APCO Instr Tech Course, 2nd ed 40 40
102104 APCO LE Comm'n, 1st ed 32 32
102105 APCO Fund of Tactical Disp, 1st ed 16 16
102106 APCO Comm Ctr Supervisor 24 24
102107 APCO Comp Quality in Comm Ctr 16 16
102108 APCO Crisis Nego for Tele 8 8
102109 APCO Comm Training Officer Crs 24 24
102110 APCO Cust Service in Today's Pub Safety Comm Ctr 8 8
102111 APCO Dist Oper and the Comm Ctr 8 8
102112 APCO Emer Med Dispatch 32 32
102113 APCO EMD Mgr 8 8
102115 APCO Pub Safety Comm Staffing & Empl Retention 8 8
102116 APCO Surviving Stress 8 8
193501 TABC New Agent Academy 1 400
193502 TABC New Auditor Academy 1 120
193503 TABC New Employee Fundamentals 1 80
193504 TABC Constituent Relationship Mgmt 1 2
193505 TABC TRACE: A TABC Investigation Initiative 1 1
193506 TABC TRACE: Investigations for the Practitioner 1 8
193507 TABC Financial Crimes 1 14
193508 TABC - Arrest and Control Tactics Instructor 1 60
193509 TABC Human Trafficking Inv Crs 1 150
193510 TABC- Physical Readiness Coordinator 1 24
193511 TABC Undercover Operations School 1 100
193512 TABC Advanced Undercover School 1 120
193513 TABC SRT In-Service 1 100
381000 Financial Records Examination and Analysis (FREA) 36 36
381011 Cyber_investigation 101 STOP Secure Techniques for 12 16
381012 Cyber Investigation 100 ISEE 6 6
381018 Identity Theft Investigations 4 20
381019 Advanced Intelligence Analysis to Prevent Terroris 16 32
381020 VIN Cloning & Motor Vehicle Title Fraud 7 7
381100 Financial Crimes Against Seniors Training (FCAS) 24 24
381200 Financial Investigations Practical Skills (FIPS) 1 36
381300 Foundations of Intelligence Analysis (FIAT) 32 40
381500 White Collar Crime and Terrorism (WCCAT) 21 21
382006 NW3C Intellectual Property Rights 6 7
382008 NW3C Intelligence Writing and Briefing 22 22
382009 NW3C 1 Day Secure Onsite Preview - Fast Track 8 8
382010 NW3C Targeting Investment Fraud 6 8
382011 Advanced Financial Investigation 20 20
383020 Cybercop 315 WinArt 33 33
383031 Cybercop 310 NTOS 27 27
383033 Cyber Cop 201 IDRA 28 36
383151 Cognitive Interview Skills-Classen-Buck 28 28
387020 Criminal Interview and Interrogation Techniques 4 40
387021 COL. Henry F Williams Homicide Seminar 40 40
387022 Crimes Against Children; Interrogation (WZ) 1 25
387023 Tactical Field Interviewing (WZ) 1 20
660010 FEMA Codes and Standards 4 4
660230 Fundamentals of Emergency Management (FEMA IS-230d 6 6
661900 FEMA NDMS FedCoord Center Ops (FEMA IS-1900) 3 3
663662 FEMA Senior Officials Workshop Haz Prep 6 6
663663 FEMA Crisis Leadership 4 4
667000 FEMA General Reporting 1 40
667001 TDEM Conference 1 100
667002 TDEM Continuity of Operations (COOP) 1 1
667003 FEMA Vehicle Borne IED Detection (CDP-003-14) 8 8
667050 FEMA Voluntary Agency Liaison (VAL) 3 3
667067 FEMA Emer Planning for Campus Exec FEMA G367 2 99
667075 FEMA LE Active Shooter LSU FEMA PER275 16 24
667100 TDEM Ontro WebEOC-Texas (TDEM TWI-100a) 1 2
667101 FEMA Foundation of Emergency Mgmt 80 80
667102 FEMA Science of Disaster (E-102) 24 24
667103 FEMA Planning: Emergency Operations (E-103) 16 16
667105 FEMA Public Information and Warning (E-105) 16 16
667108 FEMA Comm Mass Care & Emer. Asst (FEMA G108) 12 12
667110 FEMA Foundations Course TtT (FEMA E/L 110) 40 40
667133 FEMA HM Explosives-Aware/Recog/Resp (NMT HMEARR) 8 8
667139 FEMA Intro to Radiological/Nuclear/WMD Ops 4 4
667140 FEMA WMD Rad/Nuc Awareness TtT (FEMA AWR-140) 8 8
667141 FEMA-Instr Pres & Eval Skills G-141 24 24
667146 FEMA Homeland Sec Exercise HSEEP (FEMA L-146) 16 24
667191 FEMA ICS Emer. Op. Center (FEMA G-191) 8 8
667197 FEMA Emerg Plan People Special Needs (FEMA G-197) 16 16
667200 FEMA Texas Public Officials Workshop (G-200) 3 3
667202 TDEM Debris Management (TDEM G-202) 36 36
667205 TDEM Recovery Disaster-Local Gov (TDEM G-205) 8 16
667229 NCBRT Intro to CAMEO Suite (PER-229) 24 32
667230 FEMA Fundamentals Emergency Managment 6 16
667235 TDEM Advanced Emergency Planning (TDEM G-235a) 16 16
667236 TDEM Staging Area Manager (STAM) 14 14
667265 TDEM Basic Instructional Skills (TDEM-265) 28 28
667266 FEMA CDP Instructor Course (FEMA PER-266) 40 40
667270 FEMA Recovery for Disaster (FEMA G-270.4) 16 16
667272 FEMA Warning Coordination (FEMA G-272) 12 12
667288 FEMA Donations Management (FEMA G-288) 16 16
667290 FEMA Basic PIO (FEMA G-290) 24 24
667300 FEMA G2300 Int. EOC Functions 22 22
667310 TDEM Hurricane Read -Inland Comms (TDEM G-310) 8 8
667317 FEMA Community Emer Response Team CERT 2 24
667318 TDEM Local Mitigation Planning (G-318) 14 14
667319 TDEM Inter. Incident Command Sys for Expanding Inc 18 24
667321 FEMA Tactical Plan-WMD Incident (FEMA MGT-321) 24 24
667324 FEMA Hurricane Evac 8 8
667343 FEMA Hurricane Awareness (FEMA G-343) 4 4
667357 TDEM Emer Resp Criminal and Terrorist (G-357) 6 6
667358 TDEM Evac and Re-Entry Planning (G-358) 12 16
667361 FEMA Flood Fight Ops (FEMA G-361) 20 20
667363 FEMA Hurricane Prep Coastal Comm (FEMA G-363) 16 16
667366 TDEM Planning Needs of Children in Disasters 8 8
667367 TEEX Cell Extraction and Insertion 16 40
667368 TEEX Riot Control in a Correctional Setting 16 40
667369 TEEX TFSA Forensic Photography-Online 16 16
667370 TEEX Investigative Tools & Equipment 1 1
667371 TEEX Active Attack Event Resp. Leadership 3 4
667372 TEEX-Photography for Patrol 16 16
667373 TEEX-Fingerprint Processing for Patrol 8 8
667374 TEEX Basic Police Motorcycle Operator 80 80
667375 TEEX Police Motorcycle Oper Instr Cert 120 120
667376 TEEX Police Mototcycle Oper Instr Transitional Cer 24 24
667377 TEEX sUAS Basic to Adv Flight Procedures 32 32
667386 FEMA Mass Fatalities Inc Response (FEMA G-386) 20 20
667392 FEMA Multi-Haz Emer Plan-Schools TTT (FEMA E/L-362 24 24
667393 FEMA Mitigation Emergency Managers FEMA G-393) 21 21
667420 TDEM Shelter Operations Course (T-420) 8 8
667427 FEMA Comm Emer Resp Program Manager 16 16
667428 FEMA Comm Emer Resp Team Train the Trainer 16 24
667489 TDEM Manage Spont Vol in Disaster (TDEM G-489) 8 8
667557 FEMA Rapid Assessment Workshop (FEMA G-557) 4 4
667599 TDEM Int. Emer Oper Ctr Functions 22 22
667601 TDEM Disaster Accounting 101 (T-600.a) 6 8
667608 FEMA Disaster Recovery (FEMA G-608) 2 8
667610 FEMA Basic Emergency Managment Workshop (FEMA - 61 16 16
667611 FEMA Public Assistance Donated Resource IS-1020 3 3
667615 TDEM Orientation Disaster Dist Emerg Op (T-615) 4 4
667620 FEMA Texas Disaster Recovery Course (FEMA G-620) 16 16
667624 TDEM Maximize Reimbursements 3 3
667627 FEMA Residential Damage Assess (FEMA G-627) 4 4
667628 TDEM Infrastructure Damage Assessment 4 4
667629 FEMA Damage Assment Op Training(IS-01160) 8 8
667630 Countering Violent Extremist Narratives (AWR365W) 3 3
667631 Integrating Mental Health& Edu. Approaches into CV 2 2
667632 Comm. Led Action in Resp. to Violent Extremism(AW) 4 4
667674 TEEX Basic Police Motorcycle Oper 80 80
667703 FEMA NIMS Resourse Management (FEMA G-703) 20 20
667710 FEMA Mitigation Planning (FEMA G-710) 16 16
667720 TDEM Mitigation Grants Course 16 16
667945 FEMA State National Response Frame (FEMA L-945) 32 32
667952 FEMA NIMS All-Haz Position PIO (FEMA E/L-952) 35 35
667954 FEMA NIMS ICS All Hazards SOFR (FEMA E/L-954) 28 28
667956 FEMA NIMS ICS POS SPEC (FEMA E/L-956) 16 16
667957 FEMA ICS All-Haz Liaison Officer TtT (FEMA E0957) 14 14
667958 FEMA NIMS ICS All Haz OSC (FEMA E/L-958) 22 32
667960 FEMA NIMS ICS AH Div/Group Sup FEMA L960 22 32
667962 FEMA NIMS All-Haz Spec PSC (FEMA E/L-962) 32 32
667968 FEMA NIMS All Haz Logistics Chief TtT (FEMA E0968) 35 40
667969 FEMA NIMS ICS All Hazards Type III (FEMA E/L-969) 24 24
667970 FEMA NIMS ICS All Hazard SPUL (FEMA E/L-970) 28 28
668200 FEMA Field Force Operations (FEMA PER-200) 24 24
668907 FEMA Initial LE Resp Suicide Bomb (FEMA PER-907) 8 8
668908 FEMA Env. Hlth. Trng. Emer. Resp (FEMA IS-00305) 8 8
668909 FEMA Bomb-making mat. awareness 1 21
670206 NFA Fire/Arson Origin-Cause (NFA 0206) 80 80
670208 NFA Interviewing/ Interrogation/Court (NFA-R0208) 70 70
670305 NFA All Haz Incident Manage Team (NFA 0305) 40 40
688500 FEMA Financial Management Info System 5 5
780001 DPS - EEO Online 2 2
780004 DPS - Finance 1 100
780006 DPS - Operational Information/Security Control 1 100
780010 DPS - Human Resources 1 100
780011 DPS - Regulatory Services 1 100
780017 DPS - Regulatory Services - In -Service 1 100
780023 DPS - Law Enforcement Recruiter 1 100
780036 DPS-Procurement & Contracts 1 999
780038 DPS Aerial Use of Force 8 99
781484 DPS - Border Operations Training 8 16
782001 DPS - CARD-Child Abduction Rapid Deployment 8 40
782002 DPS - Intelligence Analyst 1 100
782003 DPS - Crime/Intelligence Analysis 1 125
782004 DPS - Crime Analyst I 1 150
782005 DPS - Crime Analyst Texas Court Systems 4 40
782006 DPS - Crime Analyst Overview of Intelligence Analy 1 20
782007 DPS - Crime Analyst The Intelligence Fusion Proces 8 40
782008 DPS - Crime Analyst Open Source Intelligence 16 40
782009 DPS - Crime Analyst Critical Thinking 1 40
782010 DPS - Crime Analyst Principles of Intelligence Wri 8 40
782013 DPS - Crime Analyst Stats. for Intelligence Analys 8 40
782015 DPS - Analysis of Homicide/Violent Crimes 1 100
782016 DPS - Analysis & Forensic Interviews 1 100
782018 DPS -ICT Academy Analyst Course 1 999
782021 DPS - Investigator Training 1 100
782035 DPS - TX Ranger Training 1 100
782037 DPS-Adv Texas Ranger Crime Scene Invest. 120 120
782040 DPS - TX Ranger In-Service 1 100
782061 DPS - Criminal Investigations 1 100
782063 DPS - CID New Agent Course 70 150
782086 DPS - Interview & Interrogation 1 100
782088 DPS - Intelligence Gathering/Sharing/Mapping 1 100
782093 DPS- Specialist Interviewing 40 40
782096 DPS - Interdiction for Protection of Children 1 100
782097 DPS - Interdiction for Protection of Children Trai 1 32
783000 DPS - Patrol/Tactical/Vehicle 1 100
783001 DPS - Child Exploitation 1 100
783002 DPS - Driving Instructor 1 100
783004 DPS - Patrol Issues 1 100
783009 DPS - Crash Investigation/Reporting & Analysis 1 100
783010 DPS - Crash Reporting 6 100
783011 DPS - Suspect Pursuit 1 100
783013 DPS - Traffic Enforcement 1 100
783015 DPS - HP In-Service 1 100
783016 DPS - Pursuit Driving 1 200
783100 DPS-Vehicle Close Quarters Battle 16 40
784000 DPS - Health/Safety/Physical/Mental Fitness 1 200
784005 DPS- Law Enforcement Fitness Instructor Cert 1 999
784006 DPS-Tactical Emer Casualty Care (TECC) 8 16
784007 DPS-Tactical Emer Casualty Care TtT (TECC) 24 40
785001 DPS - Social Media for Officers 1 100
785005 DPS - Public Encounters 1 24
786006 DPS - Commercial Vehicle Enforcement 1 100
786011 DPS - Basic Commercial Vehicle Enforcement 40 100
786012 DPS - Cargo Tank/Other Bulk Packaging 40 100
786018 DPS - Intrastate CVE Part B 40 100
786019 DPS - Intrastate CVE Part C 24 100
786022 DPS - North American Roadside Inspection 16 100
786025 DPS - Clandestine Laboratory 1 100
786027 DPS - Clandestine Lab Recert 8 100
786031 DPS - Covert Operations & Procedures School 35 100
786035 DPS - Critical Incident Training 1 100
786053 DPS - Live Threat Engagement Training 1 100
786054 DPS - LTET Instructor Certification 8 100
786062 DPS - Smuggling/Trafficking-Human 1 100
786078 DPS - Maritime/Patrol Boats 1 100
786091 Law Enforcement Operations-Driving 8 8
786092 Law Enforcement Operations-Firearms 8 8
786100 DPS-SWAT Tactical SOP 40 40
786106 DPS Leadership Development School 40 80
786107 DPS-SWAT-Fundamentals Rural Ops 1 100
786108 DPS-SWAT Basic Tactical Tracking 24 24
786204 DPS-SOG Basic Rappel 1 12
786211 DPS-SOG Fast Rope Helo (Day) 1 8
786212 DPS-SOG Fast Rope Helo (Night) 1 8
786213 DPS-SOG Fast Rope Tower (Day) 1 8
786215 DPS - SOG Reconnaissance and Surveillance-Rural 16 32
786301 DPS-Texas LESO Program 8 16
786302 DPS Arrest & Control Tactics Instr School 1 200
787000 DPS - Management/Supervision/Leadership 1 100
787001 DPS - Leadership Characteristics/Profile 1 100
787003 DPS - Communication Services 1 100
787009 DPS-Leadership College 100 320
787010 DPS - Command College 596 700
787011 DPS-Six Sigma Training 30 120
787022 DPS - The 5 Levels of Leadership 8 40
787700 DPS-Leading Generations 4 16
787701 DPS-Generations 1 100
788003 TCIC-LTFA-Omnixx 1 1
788007 DPS - Communication Services In-Service 14 100
788009 COMMEX (TtT) 15 40
788016 DPS - Cellebrite 7 100
788021 DPS- CJIS Conference 1 80
788030 CJIS Security Awareness-Omnixx 1 1
788031 DPS - JJIS-Referral Forms 1 40
788045 DPS - UCR-Uniform Crime Reporting 1 100
788048 Intro to Pub/Safety Broadband 2 2
789000 DPS - Professional Development & Continuing Ed 1 100
789002 DPS - Microsoft Word 1 100
789003 DPS - Microsoft Excel 1 100
789004 DPS - Microsoft Outlook 1 100
789005 DPS - Microsoft PowerPoint 1 100
789006 DPS - Microsoft Publisher 1 100
789007 DPS - Microsoft SharePoint 1 100
789008 DPS - Microsoft Access 1 100
789009 DPS - Microsoft Windows Operating System 1 100
789011 DPS - Microsoft Office Training 2 100
789050 DPS - Communication Skills 1 100
789051 DPS - Behavioral Management 1 100
789052 DPS - Interpersonal Skills 1 100
789054 DPS - 7 Life Languages 1 80
789058 DPS - Professional Business Administration 1 100
789059 DPS - Professional Growth & Education 1 100
789508 DPS - Concealed Handgun License 1 100
789509 DPS - Concealed Handgun Class 10 16
789510 DPS-Concealed Handgun Instructor School 10 24
789600 DPS - Mediation/Conflict/Dispute Resolution 1 100
789606 DPS - Instructor Training 1 100
789628 DPS - Advanced Firearms Instructor School 1 320
1000643 Basic Peace Officer Course (643) 643 643
1000667 Basic Peace Officer Course (667) 667 667
1000696 Basic Peace Officer Course 2019 696 696
1000720 Basic Peace Officer Course 720 720 720
1000736 Basic Peace Officer Course (736) 736 736
2000083 Lexipol Emotional Survival for LE 2 2
2000084 Lexipol - Managing Fatigue in 24/7 operations 1 1
2000085 Lexipol-Appl. of 4th Amend. in Search & Seizure 2 2
2000086 Lexipol-De-escalation & Reasonable Use of Force 2 2
2000087 Lexipol-Building Financial Strength in First Respo 3 3
2000088 Lexipol-Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety 1 1
2000089 Lexipol-Drone Use for First Responders 2 2
2000090 Lexipol-Investigating Deaths in Jails 1 1
2000091 Lexipol-Managing Homeless Populations 1 1
2000092 Lexipol-Meeting Management 1 1
2000093 Lexipol-Skills for the New Trainer 1 1
2000094 Lexipol-Suicide Prevention in Schools 2 2
2000095 Lexipol-Protection from Ransomware and Phishing At 1 1
2000096 Lexipol-Students with Special Educational Needs 1 1
2000100 Lexipol-Absorbents and Spills 1 1
2000101 Lexipol-Acoso Sexual en el Lugar de Empleo 1 1
2000102 Lexipol-Acoso Sexual para Gerentes 2 2
2000103 Lexipol-Advanced Defensive Driving Techniques 1 1
2000104 Lexipol-An Introduction to Requests for Proposal 1 1
2000105 Lexipol-Anti-Bias Training For Law Enforcement (2 2 2
2000106 Lexipol-Basic Firearm Safety 1 1
2000107 Lexipol-Basic First Aid 2 2
2000108 Lexipol-Basic Math Concepts 1 1
2000109 Lexipol-Basic Telephone Skills 1 1
2000110 Lexipol-Bloodborne Pathogens for Public Entities 1 1
2000111 Lexipol-Bus Operations: Operator Training 1 1
2000112 Lexipol-Bus Safety: Distracted Driving 1 1
2000113 Lexipol-Business Continuity 1 1
2000114 Lexipol-Business Writing Basics 1 1
2000115 Lexipol-Campus Based Training: Clery Act 2 2
2000116 Lexipol-Career Professionalism 1 1
2000117 Lexipol-Cemetery Maintenance 1 1
2000118 Lexipol-Chainsaw Safety 1 1
2000119 Lexipol-Coaching with Character 1 1
2000120 Lexipol-Cognitive Behavioral Training in Juvenile 1 1
2000121 Lexipol-Commercial Lawn Mower Safety 1 1
2000122 Lexipol-Community Policing 2 2
2000123 Lexipol-Computer Security Basics 1 1
2000124 Lewxipol-Confined Spaces 101 1 1
2000125 Lexipol-Confined Spaces 102 1 1
2000126 Lexipol-Conflict and Dispute Resolution 1 1
2000127 Lexipol-Constitutional Law 1 1
2000129 Lexipol-Crisis Management 1 1
2000130 Lexipol-Cybersecurity Threats to Public Entities 1 1
2000131 Lexipol-Dealing With Angry Employees 1 1
2000132 Lexipol-Dealing with Cold Stress 1 1
2000133 Lexipol-Dealing with Heat Stress 1 1
2000134 Lexipol-Dealing with the Media 1 1
2000135 Lexipol-Defensive Driving Basics 1 1
2000136 Lexipol-Developing Effective Communication Skills 1 1
2000137 Lexipol-Developing Leadership 1 1
2000138 Lexipol-Diabetic Emergencies 1 1
2000139 Lexipol-Discipline and Termination 1 1
2000140 Lexipol-Distracted Driving For Law Enforcement 4 4
2000141 Lexipol-Diversity in the Workplace 1 1
2000142 Lexipol-Domestic Violence Intervention for Dispatc 2 2
2000143 Lexipol-Driving Safety for First Responders 1 1
2000144 Lexipol-Drug and Alcohol Awareness 1 1
2000146 Lexipol-Eating Right for Health and Fitness 1 1
2000147 Lexipol-Effective Presentation Basics 1 1
2000148 Lexipol-Emergency Preparation and Egress 1 1
2000149 Lexipol-Emotional Intelligence for Leaders 1 1
2000150 Lexipol-Employee Recognition 1 1
2000151 Lexipol-Employee Retention 1 1
2000152 Lexipol-Enhancing Work Relationships 1 1
2000153 Lexipol-Ethics in Juvenile Corrections 1 1
2000154 Lexipol-Evidence Collection, Control, and Storage 1 1
2000155 Lexipol-Excavation Safety and Operation 1 1
2000156 Lexipol-Fall Protection 1 1
2000157 Lexipol-Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) 1 1
2000158 Lexipol-Finance 101 for Non-Financial Managers 1 1
2000159 Lexipol-Financial Crimes 4 4
2000160 Lexipol-FMLA Training for Supervisors 1 1
2000161 Lexipol-Food Service General Safety in Schools 1 1
2000162 Lexipol-Form I-9 and Employment Eligibility Verifi 1 1
2000163 Lexipol-Generational Differences 1 1
2000164 Lexipol-Global SDS and the Hazardous Communication 1 1
2000165 Lexipol-Goal Setting Skills 1 1
2000166 Lexipol-Guide to Temporary Traffic Control in Work 1 1
2000167 Lexipol-Handling Difficult Customers for Local Gov 1 1
2000168 Lexipol-Handling Missing Children Calls for Dispat 1 1
2000169 Lexipol-Hate Crimes Training For Law Enforcement 1 1
2000170 Lexipol-Hazmat First Responder Awareness (FRA) Lev 2 2
2000171 Lexipol-High Blood Pressure – Reducing Your Risks 1 1
2000172 Lexipol-Hostage Negotiations 2 2
2000173 Lexipol-HR Recruitment and Selection Process 1 1
2000174 Lexipol-Human Trafficking, Part I 2 2
2000175 Lexipol-Human Trafficking, Part II 2 2
2000176 Lexipol-Ice Control for Managers and Decision Make 1 1
2000178 Lexipol-Interviewing Skills for Managers: Conducti 1 1
2000179 Lexipol-Investigating Incidents for Local Governme 1 1
2000180 Lexipol-Leadership v. Management 1 1
2000181 Lexipol-Litigation Procedures 1 1
2000182 Lexipol-Lockout/Tagout 101 1 1
2000183 Lexipol-Lockout/Tagout 102 1 1
2000184 Lexipol-Managing Risk in an Aging Workforce 1 1
2000185 Lexipol-Managing Your Healthcare 1 1
2000186 Lexipol-Means of Egress 1 1
2000187 Lexipol-Missing and Exploited Children 4 4
2000188 Lexipol-Naloxone 1 1
2000189 Lexipol-Officer Tactical Training 2 2
2000190 Lexipol-Pandemic Planning - The Planning Organizat 1 1
2000191 Lexipol-Pandemic Planning – Elements of the Plan 1 1
2000192 Lexipol-Parliamentary Procedures 1 1
2000193 Lexipol-Performance Management 1 1
2000194 Lexipol-Personnel Record Retention (Federal Standa 1 1
2000195 Lexipol-Presenting Effective Testimony in a Courtr 1 1
2000196 Lexipol-Press Conference and Briefing Basics 1 1
2000197 Lexipol-Preventing Accidents in the Workplace 1 1
2000198 Lexipol-Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls 1 1
2000199 Lexipol-Providing Effective Onboarding 1 1
2000200 Lexipol-Public Employee Safety in the Community 1 1
2000201 Lexipol-Public Recording of Police Activities 1 1
2000202 Lexipol-Recognition Of Child Abuse And Neglect 2 2
2000203 Lexipol-Recognizing Child Abuse 1 1
2000204 Lexipol-Recognizing Domestic Violence 2 2
2000205 Lexipol-Recruiting Excellent Employees 1 1
2000206 Lexipol-Responding to People with Mental Illness 2 2
2000207 Lexipol-Retaining Talent 1 1
2000208 Lexipol-Running an Effective Board Meeting 1 1
2000209 Lexipol-Safeguarding Your Community from Terrorism 1 1
2000210 Lexipol-School Resource Officers 1 1
2000211 Lexipol-Science of Employee Engagement 1 1
2000212 Lexipol-Sewer System Overview 1 1
2000213 Lexipol-Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 1 1
2000214 Lexipol-Shaping an Ethical Workplace Culture 1 1
2000215 Lexipol-Sleep and Your Health 1 1
2000216 Lexipol-Smoking Cessation 1 1
2000217 Lexipol-Social Media and Law Enforcement 1 1
2000218 Lexipol-Stress and Your Health 1 1
2000219 Lexipol-Stress Management for Corrections Officers 1 1
2000220 Lexipol-Successful Customer Interactions 1 1
2000221 Lexipol-Suicide by Cop 1 1
2000222 Lexipol-The Aging Workforce: Leveraging the Talent 1 1
2000223 Lexipol-The Constitutional Rights of Students 1 1
2000224 Lexipol-The Risks of Social Media in the Workplace 2 2
2000225 Lexipol-Time Management Skills 1 1
2000226 Lexipol-Tourette Syndrome and Other Neurological D 1 1
2000227 Lexipol-Training for Small Communities 1 1
2000228 Lexipol-Transition from Peer to Supervisor 1 1
2000229 Lexipol-Understanding Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and 1 1
2000230 Lexipol-Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder 1 1
2000231 Lexipol-Understanding Behavior, Burnout and Depres 1 1
2000232 Lexipol-Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 1 1
2000233 Lexipol-Understanding Depression and Bipolar Disor 1 1
2000234 Lexipol-Understanding Eating Disorders 1 1
2000235 Lexipol-Understanding Inmates' Rights - Legal Tren 1 1
2000236 Lexipol-Understanding Nutritional Information and 1 1
2000237 Lexipol-Understanding Prediabetes 1 1
2000238 Lexipol-Understanding the MUTCD 1 1
2000239 Lexipol-Use Of Force 2 2
2000240 Lexipol-Using Oleoresin Capsicum 1 1
2000241 Lexipol-Value of Inmate Programs 1 1
2000242 Lexipol-Volunteers Working with Children and Adole 1 1
2000243 Lexipol-Walking Your Way to Fitness 1 1
2000244 Lexipol-Wastewater Utility Operation & Maintenance 1 1
2000245 Lexipol-Workers' Compensation: Sprain and Strain I 1 1
2000246 Lexipol-Workplace Stress Resiliency 1 1
2000247 Lexipol-COVID-19 for Correctional Officers 1 1
2000248 LEXIPOL-Infectious & Communicable Diseases 1 1
2000249 Lexipol - Courtroom Testimony in Civil Matters 2 2
2000250 Lexipol - - Addressing Homeless Populations 2 2
2000251 Lexipol - - Employee Free Speech 2 2
2000252 Lexipol - Investigating Officer-Involved Shootings 2 2
2000253 Lexipol-Public Free Speech 1 1
2000254 Lexipol-Duty to Intercede for Law Enforcement 1 1
2000255 Lexipol- Holds and Restraints:Holds demonstration 0.75 2
2000256 Lexipol-Search and Seizure SCOTUS update 1 1
2000257 Lexipol-Holds and Restraints: Restraints Demo 1 1
2000258 LEXIPOL Decreasing Intensity in LE Interactions 2 2
2000259 Lexipol-Autism for LE: Definition and Prevelance 2 2
2000260 Lexipol-Autism for LE:Promoting Safe Outcomes 2 2
2000261 Lexipol-Achieve Peak Perform in Emotional Survival 1 2
6612906 FEMA Adv I:Survey of Adv Concepts in Emerg Mgmt 35 35
6612907 FEMA Adv III: Concepts and Issues in Emerg Mgmt 35 35
6612908 FEMA Adv IV: Concepts & Issues in Emerg Mgmt Com 35 35
6612909 FEMA Adv II: Prof Style in Emerg Management 35 35
6612910 FEMA Emer. Man. Prep Funda (FEMA IS- 910a) 3 3
6613031 FEMA Mitigation eGrants (FEMA IS-031a) 7 7
6613050 FEMA Bridge Damage Considerations 3 3
6613056 FEMA Haz Mat Contingency Plan (FEMA IS-56) 1 1
6613063 FEMA Intro DHS Geospatial Info Infra (FEMA IS-63) 1 1
6613064 FEMA Homeland Security GeoCONOPS (IS-00060.b) 1 1
6613065 FEMA Geo. Concept of Oper. in Depth (IS-00061.b) 1 1
6613103 FEMA GIS Specialist (FEMA IS-103) 2 2
6613276 FEMA Benefit Cost Analysis (FEMA IS-276) 1 14
6613280 FEMA Overview Eng Prin/Prac Retrofit (FEMA IS-280) 1 1
6613315 FEMA CERT Sup. Train ICS (FEMA IS-315) 2 3
6613325 FEMA Earthquake Basics (FEMA IS-325) 1 1
6613453 FEMA Intro Homeland Security Plan (FEMA IS-453) 2 2
6613523 FEMA Resilient Accord Cyber Inc (FEMA IS-523) 3 3
6613619 FEMA Research Train/Education (FEMA IS-619) 6 6
6613662 FEMA Improve Prep Pub/Priv (FEMA IS-662) 2 2
6613772 FEMA IA PDA Orientation (FEMA IS-772) 1 1
6613794 FEMA External Affairs Program (FEMA IS-794) 2 2
6613801 FEMA ESF #1 Transportation (FEMA IS-801) 1 1
6613802 FEMA ESF #2 Communications (FEMA-802) 1 1
6613804 FEMA ESF #4 Firefighting (FEMA IS-804) 1 1
6613806 FEMA ESF #6 Mass Care, Assist (FEMA IS-806) 1 1
6613807 FEMA ESF #7 Logistics Manage (FEMA IS-807) 1 1
6613808 FEMA ESF #8 Public Health/ Med (FEMA IS-808) 1 1
6613809 FEMA ESF #9 Search/Rescue (FEMA IS-809) 1 1
6613810 FEMA ESF #10 Oil/Haz Mat (FEMA IS-810) 1 1
6613811 FEMA ESF #11 Agri/ Nat Resource (FEMA IS-811) 1 1
6613812 FEMA ESF #12 Energy (FEMA IS-812) 1 1
6613813 FEMA ESF #13 Pub Safe/Security (FEMA IS-813) 1 1
6613822 FEMA Fundamentals Man/Support (FEMA IS-822) 4 4
6613930 Emer Responder Health Monitoring (FEMA IS-930) 1 1
6614033 FEMA Initial Ethics Orientation (FEMA IS- 33.14) 1 1
6614034 FEMA -Grants Portal -Transparency at Every Step 7 7
6614156 FEMA Building Design HS Ops (FEMA IS-156) 8 8
6614242 FEMA Effective Communicatiion (FEMA IS-242) 8 8
6614243 FEMA-Effective Communication (IS-00242.c) 8 8
6614247 FEMA DPAS Orient. Def Priorities & Allocation 1 1
6614251 FEMA IPAWS Public Alert System (FEMA IS-251) 1 2
6614284 FEMA Substantial Damage Est. (FEMA IS-284) 3 3
6614303 FEMA Radiological Assessment Cons (FEMA IS-303) 16 16
6614317 FEMA Introduction to CERT (FEMA IS-317) 2 6
6614368 FEMA People Dis. Func Needs (FEMA IS-368) 2 2
6614524 FEMA Continuity of Ops (FEMA IS-524) 1 24
6614525 FEMA Guardian Accord Workshop (FEMA IS-525) 4 4
6614526 FEMA Mission Essential Functions (FEMA IS-526) 6 16
6614545 FEMA Recon Planning Course (FEMA-IS 545) 4 4
6615019 FEMA Supervisors Course (FEMA IS-019.15) 1 2
6615064 FEMA DHS Common Op Picture App (FEMA-IS 0064) 1 1
6615212 Unified Hazard Mitigation Assist (FEMA IS-212b) 3 3
6615213 Unified Fed Review Adv Trng: overview of UFR 3 3
6615288 FEMA Role Vol Orgs in Emer Manage (FEMA IS-288a) 10 10
6615305 FEMA All Hazard Management Team (FEMA O-305) 40 40
6616040 FEMA Haz Mit Fld Mgt in Dist Ops (FEMA IS-00162) 3 3
6616064 FEMA Common Operating Picture App. (FEMA IS-064a) 1 1
6616107 FEMA FEMA Travel Rules/Regulations (FEMA IS-107.16 1 1
6616216 FEMA Unified Fed Review Process (FEMA IS-216) 3 3
6616246 FEMA Implement Defense (DPAS) (FEMA IS-246.16) 3 3
6616505 FEMA Religious/Cultural Literacy (FEMA IS-505) 4 5
6616951 FEMA DHS Radio Interop (FEMA IS-951) 2 2
6617018 FEMA EEO Employee Course (FEMA IS-018.17) 1 1
6617023 FEMA EEO Supervisor Course (FEMA IS-00019.18) 1 1
6617025 FEMA Civil Rights & Disaster Asst IS00021.19 1 1
6617029 FEMA Managerial Safety & Health IS-00037.19 1 2
6617106 FEMA Workplace Violence Awareness (FEMA-IS-106.17) 1 1
6617110 Respiratory Protection: Program Dev. And Admin. 24 24
6617633 FEMA Debris Management Plan Devel (FEMA IS-633) 6 6
6617912 FEMA Retail Security Awareness (FEMA IS-912) 1 1
6670969 FEMA All Hazard Communication Unit Lead (FEMA E-09 21 28
66132901 FEMA Field Force Extrication Tactics Refresher 8 8
66133328 FEMA Plan Review Local Mitigation (FEMA IS-328) 4 4
66142001 FEMA Threat Hazard ID Risk Asses (FEMA IS-2001) 1 1
66151104 FEMA NFIP Claims Review Adjusters (FEMA IS-1104) 5 5
66151106 FEMA Mapping Changes (FEMA IS-1106) 1 1
66151107 FEMA Adjuster Customer Service (FEMA IS-1107) 3 3
66151113 FEMA Coastal Barrier Res. Act (FEMA-IS 1113) 1 1
66161200 FEMA TERT Team Leader Course (FEMA IS-1200) 4 4